10c 2

10c 2

"F o r m-y\-1_ i v\ e s

Key to my lfcart    lleart Kit

'llicw piticni lielnU duiulJ bc used in <\mjunction nilh ihc Fomi-Ad.uici General Instniction »hcct.

"Oul ni...” mcnn> brnij: ihc nccdlc ftom liteb»<k ofIhc vwrk ihrougli toilic fronl. "In al...” nv.-jn> lako ihc nccdlc fn>m ihc right side of thc werk ihroughlo ihc back. On nuny scclion* of iliit design some hofcs aro mtil moce ihan orscc.

(ioltl thro.nl on wlitlc earil


Scclion 1





Oul al A in al B Om al C in at I)

Om al E in al F Coniinuc ihis scqucncc until lo out al (i in al II. Noto ih.it a hole is missed al Ihc |X)inl marked •• (lop of scclion 4).

Scclion 2 Oul al A in al B Oul al C in al O Om ai li in at F Coniinuc ihis v«|iicnec umil :o oul al G in al H. Nule ilial a hole i.s rnisscd al ihc point nuiked * (lop of scclion 4).

Scclion 3

Thcsc Form-A-Lines insimciions aic cop>iighi O 2006 O J Designs and may not bc rcproduccd wilkom pcimission.

Published by Card Inspiralions Tcwin Mili Farm. Tcwin. Herts AL6 OLI.. LK. Tcl: 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477

Work Scclion 3 using ihc finished illustralion as a guide.

Scclion 4

Work thc outlinc of scclion -1 in backsiitch using ihc finished illusir.nion asa guide. Ilasp

Om al I in al J Om al K in al I.

Out al M in al N Coniinuc ihis scqucncc unlil ll:c hasp is complctc.


Scclion 5 Oul ai O in al l‘

Out m O iii al l<

Out al S in at T Coniinuc ihis $oqucncc unlil scclion S is compldc.

Scclion 6 Oui .u S in at U Out at V in al K Oul al O in ai W Coniinuc ihis scqucucc unlil scclion 6 is complclc.

Scclion 7

Work Scclion 7 using Ihc finished illustralion as a guide.


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