12 mathtivities1

12 mathtivities1

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Math Ad iviiics

Shape Ar rangę ment

Skills: Shape Kecognilion, Oopying Shapos, Kino Motor Skills    I


Gatlier sovoral largo index eards, a marker, and un assorlmcnl oi secds, nuU or dried boans. Use Ihe marker to draw a dilTerent i>haj>e on eaeh of the index cards. Set tłu- eards and tho soeds, nuta or beans on a labie. AHow the children to lako turns using t.he matorials to make the shapos shown. They may place Lhe (dod i tenis directly on the index eards or creato the sh apes on the Uihletop.

The Littlest Kgg

Skills: Logical Thoughl, Si/o Recognition Aetivity:

Make a cop.y ot pago f>4 and out out lhe ogg pattorns. Whilo the children free play, set all of the cggs out on a labie and invile Iwo chiIdren to como ovor to learn lhe gamę. Cali thoir attention Lo Lhe tael Ihal one egg is smalłer than all tVi<i others. Kxplain that stu don ts are to lakę turns rcmoving oggs from the pile; the objeet is to avoid boing the one who has to tako Lhe smali es t cgg. Puring u player’# tum he can choose to tako one, two or three eggs from the pile. The gamę ends whon a player is lorced to take the littlest egg.

Favoritc Icc Cream Graph

Skills: Croaling and Reading a Graph Activity:

Make enotigh copies of the ice cream patterns on pa go ńń so that cuch student will golono paltom.

Kxplain to the children that Lhcy will be graphing thoir favorile fluvor# of icc cream. Use your chalkboard U» creato a graph wherc each column reprosents a di (Toront flavor of iee croam. Ask children to help you label the columns with names of ii*; croam Havors. Idach child should record his name on his patiom, chooso his favorile icc omam flavor. and Łapo his pattem in the appropi*iale column of the graph. Allow the children to count Lhe patterns in each column lo sec which flavor is 1 the favorite of the most children.


12 IMVrsi CD (M1 ‘?


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