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PLE. ENGUSH MUFFINS weren’t invented in ENGLAND. OUICKSAND can work SLOWLY, B0XING RINGS are SOUARE, and a GUINEAPIG is neitherfrom GUINEA nor is it a PIG.
And why is it that WRITERS WRITE but FINGERS DON T FING, GROCERSdon’t GROCE and HAMMERS don’t HAM? Doesn’t it seem crazy that you can make AMENDS but not one AMEND? if TEACHERSTAUGHT, why didn t PREACHERSPRAUGHT? if a VEGETARIAN eats VEGETABLES ,whatdoesa HUMANITARIANeat?
In what other language do people RECITE at a PLAY and PLAY at a RECITAL? We SHIP BY TRUCK but SEND CARGO BY SHIP We have NOSES that RUN and FEET that SMELL. We PARK in a DRIVEWAY and DRIVE in a PARKWAY. And how can a SLIM CHANCE and a FAT CHANCE bethesame, whilea WISEMAN and a WISEGUY are opposites?
You have to man/el at the unique lunacy of a language in which your HOUSE can BURN UP as it BURNS DOWN, inwhich you FILL IN a form by FILLING IT OUT, and in which an ALARM goes OFF by going ON. And, in closing, if Father is POP, how come Mother’s not MOP?
created by BusyTeacher.org
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