Hexagon I

si ir*o next dc and into next as ‘dc), *1 dc/rbroundeach •c^kaN/stof 11 dc, 1ch, 1 dc] BC! from * 4 morę times and

Worked as Ridged Hexagon I.

Work 1 round each in colors A, B, C, D and E.

of dc/rb see page 11

•wznption of changing color see and dc3tog see page 10. U3ng A. 4ch, join with sl st.

(count as 1dc), 14dc into lep of 3ch. (15 sts).

3ch (count as 1dc), 1dc into 3ch. 2dc into next and each :J st to top of 3ch. (30 sts). l:r (count as 1dc), *1dc into next2sts. 1 dc into each to B. 2dc into same A, 2dc into next st, ł, ide into same place as last gap-CTi * 3 morę times and from sl st to top of 3ch.

3cn (count as 1dc), *dc2tog 1 dc into each of next 2 sts, 2cc nto next st, 1 dc into each nto next st. change to A* *, 'ep from * 3 morę times and ~ga n. sl st to top of 3ch. bert (count as 1dc), *dc2tog afc.‘dc into next st, change to ide into next st, 2dc into 1dc into next st, 2dc into A**. 1 dc into nextst; rep • ~es and from ' to * * again. r3ch.

3:~ *dc2tog over next 2 sts iElbog). change to B, 3dc into each of next 2 sts, 2dc into 'dc mto each of next 2 sts. to A * *. dc3tog over norę times and from > st to top of first cluster. tor nue using A only 1ch, 1sc as 1ch, 1sc into next and sl st to first sc. turn.

side): 1ch, 2sc into same sc nto next and each st all k* 230 mto each of 4 sts cor-: ^emaining points of Star, end-hrSi SC.



join with sl st.

{count as 1 dc), 1 dc into ring, 5 times, 1ch, sl st to top

Worked as Traditional Hexagon I.

Work 1 round each in colors A. B. C. D anc E.


from * to * * again, 1dc into last sp, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

3rd round: 3ch (count as 1 dc), 1 dc/rb round each dc and 1 V st into each sp all round, ending with a sl st to top of 3ch. (6 groups of 6dc).

4th round: As 3rd round. (6 groups of 8dc). 5th round: As 3rd round. (6 groups of 10de Fasten off.

Ridged Hexagon II

Traditional Hexagon I

Notę: For description of dc2tog and dc3tog see page 10.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st

1st round: 3ch, dc2tog into ring (counts as dc3tog), [3ch, dc3tog into ring] 5 times. 1ch. 1hdc into top of first cluster.

2nd round: 3ch, dc2tog into arch formed by hdc (counts as dc3tog), *3ch, work (dc3tog, 3ch, dc3tog] into next sp: rep from

*    4 morę times. 3ch, dc3tog into last sp, 1ch. 1 hdc into top of first cluster.

3rd round: 3ch, dc2tog into arch formed by hdc (counts as dc3tog), *3ch, work (dc3tog, 3ch, dc3tog] into next sp* *, 3ch, dc3tog into next sp; rep from * 4 morę times and from

*    to ** again, 1ch. 1hdc into top of first cluster.

4th round: 3ch (counts as 1dc), 1dc into arch formed by hdc. *3dc into next sp, (3dc, 2ch, 3dc] into next sp* *, 3dc into next sp; rep from * 4 morę times and from * to * * again. 1dc into next sp. sl st to top of 3ch.

5th round: 1ch, 1sc into same place, 1sc into each dc and each ch all round, ending sl st to first sc.

Fasten off.


Traditional Hexagon II



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