5 novels part 1

5 novels part 1


iii) Scientific philosophy: The optimistic philosophy of 'natural philosophers', such as John Locke (1632-1704), was consistent with, and helped lead to, a greater belief in reason at the expense of the imagination. After the Restoration, moderation and religious tolerance replaced passionate religious conviction, and attention was morę focused on the social destiny of the individuał and the facts and circumstances of the social world.

® Read the following notes about five eighteenth-century novels. For Number 1 and at least two others indicate which of the above influences seem to apply.

1    The Life and strange surprising Aduentures of Robinson Crusoe (1719).

By Daniel Defoe (71660—1731), a joumalist and pamphleteer with a tradesman's preoccupation with the details of life. Often thought of as the first English novel. About a man wrecked on a desert island for twenty years (Defoe identified with the hero but had never visited a desert island himself). A description of the industrious, sensible, methodical way in which he struggles to build up a life for himself. Sees people in terms of their economic, rather than their emotional or morał virtues. Describes people according to what John Locke called their 'primary ąualities' (those which can be measured objectively, such as size, weight, number and shape) rather than their 'secondary ąualities' (such as smell, colour and beauty which depend morę on our subjective perceptions). Regards God as the Senior Partner in his commercial enterprises, a Power that provides, though a comfort when ill. Written as a personal memoir in a series of episodes. Plain style.

2    Guliwer's Trauels (1726)

By Jonathan Swift (see pages 100-106). A fable (a story that teaches a lesson, with people who have never actually existed or animals who behave like human beings). A series of episodes about the travels of a surgeon on a merchant ship. Shipwrecked on Lilliput, where the inhabitants are six inches high making their self-importance seem ridiculous; shipwrecked on Brobdingnag, where the inhabitants are as tali as church steeples and Gulliver, an eighteenth-century man who believes in the power of reason, is madę to feel petty; shipwrecked on the flying island of Laputa, where the inhabitants are absorbed in ridiculous forms of scientific enąuiry and philosophical speculation; shipwrecked on the island of the Houyhnhnms, where horses endowed with reason contrast with the dirty and brutal Yahoos, beasts in human shape. The book appeals to ałl ages but the darker satire is usually ignored by the young. Swift believed that man would destroy himself without divine aid. Precise, sober style used for ironie effect.

3    Pamela (1740-1741)

By Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), the son of a humble middłe-class furniture maker. Sometimes called the first true modern novel because of a sustained and realistic representation of the day-to-day behaviour and psychology of the main characters. Written in epistolary form (as a series of letters), with Richardson pretending to be the 'editor'. There are six correspondents, each with their own particular style and point of view. Part I: Pamela, a servant, resists attempts by her employer to seduce and rape her. However, she eventually marries him! Part II is about their married life together. Richardson wished to instruct readers 'how to think and act justly and prudently in the common concerns of human life'. The book was a great popular success; parodied by Henry Fielding, in Apology for the life of Mrs Shamela Andrews (1741), because it also pretended to be a book of morał instruction when Pamela seemed to use her virtue to obtain social advancement (the subtitle of Richardson's novel was Yirtue Rewarded).



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