Connections I Sprawziany i Opowiedzi17

Connections I Sprawziany i Opowiedzi17


EO Connectlons 1 TE37S 2P.gx4 5/10/07    10:39 Pago 17

Test 6B

1 Cotnplete the sentences włth the correct possessive 4 Tick (/) i( the phrase is correct and rewrite it if the pronoun or adjective.    phrase is incorrect.

Hlg » ; T f    ♦ r-.    f >- br .< r •.

* 'It'* L< V tKft » I £ * e e r r-_

► That chair is    (I)

1    Thfs house is__(they)

2    She Lives wiih_paients. (she)

3    You can come in_car. (we)

4    Thisjacket is__(I)

5    My sistei is good at musie and this guitar is __(she)

6    Are these keys_? (you)


2 Cotnplete the sentences with the correct object pronoun.

» Can you see    ? (1)

1    1 like tliis newspaper and I read_every

day. (ii)

2    1 often speak to_on the phone. (he)

3 Can vou meet

at seven? (11

4 Those pictures are nice (they)

-1 realłv like

5 Thev sometimes come to eat with


6 1 can take

_ in nty car. (you)


Cotnplete the phrases with the correct ordinal nuntbers in words.

► thelr fourtk child (4)

1 her


2 his

gtilfriend (101

3 thelr

visit (11

4 the

century (20)

5 her

film (71

6 the

person (181


► I sometimes dtive mv fathers car.

ran fad h'ir 'z.    _

1 This book is about the town's history.

2 Where are the mens’ boots?

3 What is Carls sister called?

-1 I like this band s musie.

5 The puppy is ptaying with its inother.

6 I l0Ve mv yiandmollleis euujany.

Mflll Z±\

5 Write these dates as you say thein.

► 15/2 or

1    2/9

2    25/6

3    30/ 11

4    3/2

5    9/5

6    11/10


L55I / 301


© Oxford University Press



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