DSC07433 1

DSC07433 1


Bourdieu J., 1985: The Market of Symbolic Goods, Poetica, nr 14. de Bono E., 2001: Z nowym myśleniem w nowe tysiąclecie, wyd. Rebis, Poznań. Gralak K., 2008: Farming For Health, jako innowacyjny kierunek wzmacniania konkurencyjności gospodarstw rolniczych, Stowarzyszenie Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, Roczniki Naukowe, tom X, zeszyt 3.

Senge P. M., 2000: Piąta dyscyplina, Dom Wydawniczy ABC, Warszawa.

Smętkowski M., Jałowiecki B., Gorzelak G., 2008: Diagnoza problemów rozwoju obszarów metropolitalnych i rekomendaq'a delimitacji obszarów metropolitalnych w Polsce, Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych (EUROREG),Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa. http://www.creativeclass.org/ http://www.dorf-

stadtemeuerung.at/downloads/Studie_Themendoerfer_Brunnmayr.doc http://www.iwiecino. wioskitematyczne.org.pl/czytaj,257,oferta_turystycznoedukacyj na.html



Minor role played by agricultural sector in Polish economy, accompanied by in-tegration of grounds, as well as gradual conversion of traditional farms into agricultural enterprisers affect alterations of rural space and function of villages.. These changes are additionally intensified according to the advancement in different forms of residential and industrial building in villages.

Therefore, facing all these phenomena, there should be formed the ąuestion about the management of rural space and making its values sustainable.Which way should rural space be arranged to stimulate its competitiveness in creating new values ra-ther than to limit its rangę of potential functions and possibilities?

The management of rural space is a multi - aspect undertaking. It involves activi-ties resulting from administrative, economical, emotional, esthetic, rational, ethical, political, cultural and social premises. As far as realization of paradigm of villages revitalization is taken into account, interventions into each of the mentioned fields can be considered basing on continuum: positive - neutral - negative.

Increasingly recognizable mistakes in arranging rural space in Poland point to the fact that each of the enumerated levels requires to be improved and thought over again in the view of an urgent need of the transition from modemization paradigm to



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