F00574 017 f009

F00574 017 f009




Effects of pre-renal conditions

Loss of renal function, e.g. from


Effects on other organs, e.g.

shock' liver

Renal vasculature

Hypertension Loss of renal function


Erectile dysfunction



jnal e.g. }. . cale lic J

from renal culus or tumour

Haematuria Loin pain renal colic'

Loss of renal function (on the side of an obstruction)

Glomerular disorders



Oedema (nephrotic syndrome)


Loss of renal function

Interstitial disorders


Urinary retention—obstruction Infection (urethritis)*


Haematuria less than glomerular

Proteinuria J disorders

Loss of renal function—especially


Loin pain, e.g. infection—pyelonephritis



Acute retention—obstruction —suprapubic pain/discomfort —oligo/anuria Incontinence Infection (cystitis)*

•_ Prostatę

Symptoms of obstruction —hesitancy, dribbling, poor stream, frequency, urinary retention Infection (prostatitis)*

© Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 20e - www.studentconsult.com


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