



Get ready to SPEAK



1    mmrmmjii Work in pairs. Who do you talk to about your feelings?

•    your friends • your brother or sister

•    yourparents • yourteacher

2    Do the Matura exam task.

Zadanie maturalne - Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Podczas egzaminu pisemnego będziesz musiat/a wykonać różne zadania sprawdzające umiejętność rozumienia tekstu czytanego. Mogą to być zadania typu prawda/fatsz, na dobieranie czy test wielokrotnego wyboru. Poniższe zadanie zawiera dwie techniki: dobieranie (zadania 1-3) i prawda/fatsz (zadania 4-6).

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie przyporządkuj tytuły (A-D) poszczególnym jego częściom, ieden tytuł jest zbędny. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki 1-3. W drugiej części zadania zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE), które nie (FALSE) i zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią kratkę w zdaniach 4-6. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Sometimes the hardest thing about feelings is sharing them with others But sharing your feelings helps you feel better and also helps you to get closer to people who are important to you.

D You cant tell your fnends whats in your backpack if you don t know what s in there yoursetf Feelings are the same Before you can share them with anyone. you have to understand what feelings you have Making a list of your feelings can help. You can do this in your head or by wnting it out on a piece of paper lt's sometimes difficult to defme a feelmg and its cause In this case. it might help to remember how you felt on a specific occasion, for example. I was upset when my friends went to the cinema without me'

O Keepmg your feelings to yourself can make you feel worse If you talk to someone who cares for you. like your parents. you will almost always start to feel better. It doesn't mean your problems will magically disappear. but at least someone else knows what the problem is and can help you find Solutions. If you don't want to talk to your parents. then try talking to a relatiue or a counsellor at school Maybe they can help you find a way to talk to your parents about your problems

El j Once you know who you can talk to. choose a time and place to talk If you think you'll have trouble saymg what you re thinkmg wnte it down on a piece of paper. If the person doesnf understand what you mean. try giving an example of whafs conceming you Some people are morę private than others and feel morę shy about sharing ttteir feelings You don't ha»e to share cvery feeling you have. but it is important to share feelings when you need help A How to talk about your feelings B Why do we have feelings?

C Why is it better to talk about your feelings?

D Focusing on your feelings

4    The text is directed at adults.

5    The author advises you who to talk to about your feelings.

3    Work in pairs. What advice does the artide

give you about sharing your feelings?

4    Choose the correct tense, present simple or present continuous.

1    I feel / 'm feeling happy when l'm at home with my family.

2    1 never share / ’m never sharing my feelings with my friends.

3    John is worried because he doesn't think / isn’t thinking that he’ll pass his exams.

4    ‘Why do you laugh / are you laughing?' 'Because Joe told a funny joke.’

5    What do you wear / are you wearing to Tom’s party this evening?

6    lane loves / is loving going out with her friends.

7    Sue cries / is erying because her brother is in hospital.

8    Do you remember / Are you remembering how you felt when you won the football match?

Work in pairs. Number the things from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important) in order of how important they are in making you happy. Compare your answers with your partner.

spending time with your friends doingwell at school having lots of money having a boyfriend/girlfriend being good at sport

6 Do the Matura exam task.

Zadanie maturalne - Mówienie

Aby prawidłowo wykonać poniższe zadanie, musisz opisać wyczerpująco ilustrację tzn. powiedzieć, kogo widzisz, gdzie i co ta osoba lub ludzie robią. Następnie odpowiesz na dwa pytania egzaminującego. Pytań tych nie będzie w twoim zestawie.

Opisz powyższą ilustrację i odpowiedz na pytania egzaminującego.

1    Why do you think the people in the picture are so happy?

2    What makes you happy in everyday life and why?

Get ready for Matura 2

I Człowiek • Rozumienie tekstu czytanego Dobieranie * Prawdaroisz • Mówienie Ramowa na podstawie ilustmcii



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