
Much, Heinrich (Mach's second son): birth and nickname, .ji; hrilliant, rr* ceivcd doctoratc, commilted suicidc, 14S; effect oi suicidc on Ernst Mach, 149; mentioned, ix. xv, 150 Mach hoÅ‚d: term used in acronautics, na Machiun (an idea, doctrine, or philoso-phy derised from or similar to one hcld by Mach): used by Lenin, panly be-causc of ils douHe mcanmg in Russian, 238, 349; Bogdanos- aecuscd of this umil introduction of special term “Bog-danoviam," 246; basie error of was "ncutral monism," 244; mcnÅ‚ioncd, 223, 235, 241. 242, 243, 244, 245, 317 Mach, Johanna (Mach'& grandmothcr): second matriage of, 3. Sec Genealog)’ in front of book

Mach, Johann Joscf (Mach's grandfathcr): died In firc, 3. See Genealog)’ in front of book

Mach, Johann Nepomuk (Mach's father): tarÅ‚y cducation and advcnture$, 3-4; marriage of, 4: tutoring, 4-5, 8-9, 12; used Priesnitzian water curc on son, 5; educatcd his children himself. 8-10; excellent storytcllcr, 7; freethinker, 10: attempted silk-raising in what is now Vugoslavia, 12; deaih of, 12; men-tioncd, 272

Mach, Johann Wcnzcl (Mach’s great grandfathcr). See Gcncalogy in front of book

Mach, Josepha (Mach's mother): mar-ried, 4; personality of, 5: entidzed Mach ai artist, 6; artiuic inclinatiom, 328; deaih, 12

Mach linc. See Diagram scven Mach, Ludovica (Mach’* wifc): marriage, 4t; Graz background of, 328; fond of animals, 41; bathed and dothed Mach after his strokc, 180, 271, 272; poor hcalth and dcath of, 273 Mach, Ludwig (Mach's first son): birth and nickname, 41; mcdical sludics and degrcc, 148.    162; bccamc wcallhy

through patent*, buiÅ‚t housc for Luher, 272; carried out expctimems for fa-ther, 46, 114, 145, 180. 273: criticizcd by Jaumann, 145; took care of parcriti, 272-273; coinvcntcd Mach-Zchndcr in* terferometer, 113-115; archisc and li-brary’ retearch for father, 271-272; cor-rctpondcnce and controversici with Pctzoldt, 274, 277-281: changcd from supportrr to opponent of Einstein'*

ideas, 279; insisted father opposcd Ein-stcin's thenry, 279, a8t; all rcfcrcnccs to father’* opposition to Einstein pub-lishcd under his supcrvision, 278; con-ducied light cxpcriments to discourage relatisÅ„stic speculations, 283; promiscd his father he would cornplctc and puh-lisli his rcmaining manuscript* inciud-ing part II of The Principia of Phy fi cal Optict, 282-285; destroyed falhcr's un* published manuscripts, 285 Mach, Marie (wifc of Adam Wcnzcl Mach). See Gcncalogy in front of book Mach, Marie (Mach's sister): dcscribcd aspeets of Mach's childhood, 9-10; pub* lished autobiography about travcls, 271; dcscribcd fathcr's silk-raising fiasco, 12; hclped interest Mach in anthropology, 27:; footnotc rcfcrcnccs to autobiogra-phv, 325, 326, 352. 355; mentioned, 291

Machmctcr: used in acronautics, 112 Mach model Å‚aw: dcscribcd, 114 Mach number: dcscribcd, 112; named by J. Ackcrct, u 2; also known as the Nombrc dc Sarrau, 112. See also Diagram scvcn

Mach, Octavia (Mach's sister): mentioned, 7. See also Gcncalogy in front of book Mach-Pctzoldt rcÅ‚ationship. See Pctzoldt; Joseph

Mach-Pctzval controvcrsy. See Doppler theory; Pctzval. Joscf Mach-PÅ‚anck polcmics. See Planck, Max Mach principlc: bascd on criticism of Newton'* buckct cxperimcnt, 101-104; relation to theory of incrti3, 104, 254, 275; nanic coincd by Einstein, 104, 254; Berkeley anticipatcd Mach on, 104; Mach did not want a ncw addi* tion to thcorctical physics, 275: Einstein used it to support an carly vcrsion of his generaÅ‚ theory, 255, 274; dropped fiom generaÅ‚ theory, 255; Pctzoldt en* thusiastic about Einstein'* use of, 274-275; Planck critical of Mach'* tindcr-standing, 225; Einstein’* use of, 255; important in astronomy, xi-xii; mentioned, 183

Mach rcHcct:on: named by R. J. Sccgcr, 107; important in gas dynamie*, 108. See also Diagram* four and fivc Mach, Reginie (Ludwig Mach'* first wifc), long in bad hcalth, 283 Mach-Rohling controvcrsy. See Rohljng, August

Mach shock wave*. See Shock wavcs Mach strm: atomie bomb wind reaction. 107-108

Mach-Stumpf rclationship. See Siumpf, Carl

Mach, Victor (Mach'* youngcit son): birth, 41; not encouragcd to attend univcrsity, 149; finally set up machinÄ™ work company, 223; adsiscd father in book on prchistoiical mechanics, 271 Mach. Walther. See Grncalogy in front of book

Mach wavc. See Shock wavn Mach-Zchndcr interferomctcr (invctited scparatcly by L. A. Zchndcr and Ludwig Mach): used to study air flow and density, 113-115

Madcyski-Paraj, S. Rittcr von (Auitrian Minister of Education): approvcd Mach** transfer to Virnna# 152-154 Maiss, Eduard: criticizcd Mach’* ideas on education, 339 Marbc, K.: mentioned, 230 Marey, Eticnnc: co-dcvelopcd sphygmo-graph, 20-21; photographcd raoving projcctiles, 109

Marty, Amon (Prague speech philoso-pher): student of Brentano. 62; hclped turn Prague into Brcntano’t "empo-num," 269

Mart. Karl: mentioned, 239-240 Mancism. See Lenin, Vladimir Masaryk, Thomas (Praguc philosophy professor and later president of Czccho-»!ovakia): student of Brcntaro, 62: taught philosophy, 76 Mass (incitial):

—Newton’* mathcmatical delinition of: mass as quantity of matter, 93: Mach’* criticism of this delinition as circular,

96- 97; influence of Mach'* criricism. 98; Berkeley’* anticipation of Mach’* criticism, 95-96

—Newton'* physical delinition of: mass as resident force (vis intita), 92-93* 97: anticipation of Einstein'* mass-cncrgy cquatiou, 92; ontological character of.

97- 99; Mach's rcjection of Newton'* ontology, 97-98

—Mach'* delinition of: as the empirical efTccts of Newton'* rciident force, 07-99. * 80; influence on Hertz, 120, 199: on Clilford and Russell, 199: nn stcin, 248-249, 275

Mass-cncrgy law (Einstein): Newton* anticipation of, 9a; mentioned, 240

Mjfenalnm and EmpiÅ„o-CHliam (Lenin): the Ruuian leader** oa ^ ideas of Mach and Atenanus, 235-336 242, 245. 246

Materialista (worid a* oppoied to Cod-oricntcd philosophy): positmun tnate-rialutic in this sense, 165-167; Mach matcrialistic, 65

Matcrialism (belief that reality is materiał in naturę):

Dialectical (etistcncc of "contradierionr and a "dialcctic" in naturÄ™): Lenin'* undersunding of, 242-243: Adler'* at-tempt to retoncile with science. 186; Marti* ts thankful tor pardde-wave "contradictions" in Ä…uanum theory, 317 â€”Mcchanical and mcuphysical (noodia-lcctical matcrialism): Adler'* attack on. 186-187, 3<>i: mentioned, 243 â€”Prcsentational (only vcrbaJly dilferent from phenomenalism): Adler’* rcal philosophical poÅ‚ition, 186-187, md that of HacckeJ, 193; Mach and posi-tivism "matcrialistic'' in this sense, 165-167; Carnap'* "physical cbject Un-guage" matcrialistic, 303-304; Lenin'* opponents Eogdanov, Bazarov. Luna-charsky, and Valentinov held this form of "matcrialism," 240-246 â€”Repretenutional (the eitereal worid i* not given in the appearances): Lenin'* interpretation of dialectical materia! sm is rcprcsemationalist, 240-246; Adler failed to understand this form of materialiÅ‚m and was actually oppoung it when criticizing "mcchacical" ma-tcrulism, 186-187; Mach and po*im-i*m not matcrialistic in thi* sen*e which is the mo*t common form of materiaÅ‚ -lim, 165-167; Boltamann'* represenu-tionalbm, 206

—Watsonian or behavionstic (nonepiste-mologically cUrificd): vicw* of Loeb. Ml. 304; his PUP^ Wat*0°. 7°: Ncuralh, 3°4-3°5

—Moniitk (all realits materiaÅ‚; oppo*cd to mind-matter dualism): dilferent frem monhtic pfcenomcualtsm (»*â– . Mach'* viev«), 65; mentioned. 57. *s7.

Mathcmatical cause* (Ncwtoo). See

Ciusc*    _

Mathcmatical function*. See Funcuom.

mathcmatical: Cauul ciplanatioo Mathcmatic*: Mach lea.ned kj«k algebra at ace eight. 8; Icamed calculu* through



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