Perch St. Nick on a shelf or fireplace mantel so thcit his legs hang down.

Sitting St. Nick

To make Sitting St. Nick

a cardboard^, tubę A.

a smali white pom-pon

pink, red, white and black felt

a cotton bali

pinking shears (optional)

X • To make St. Nick’s face, glue pink felt on the top half of the cardboard tubę. To make his coat, glue red felt on the bottom half of the tubę.

A. To make St. Nick’s arms, cut a piece of red felt 1 inch wide by 10 inches long. Cut two mittens out of black felt, and glue them to the ends of the red felt. Using the pinking shears or scissors, cut two pieces of white felt for the cuffs. Glue them around St. Nick’s wrists.

O. Glue the middle of the arms around the back of the cardboard tubę Let the arms hang down^ at the sides.    &



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