J Read the photo story in Students Book on pages 60-61. Close the book. Are these sentences true [Tl or false [FI?
Correct the false sentences.
Przeczytaj historyjkę obrazkową w Książce Ucznia na stronach 60-61. Zamknij książkę. Czy te zdania są prawdziwe [Tl, czy fałszywe [FI? Popraw zdania fałszywe.
1 Aga is making a costume for a fancy
dress party. |
T/F |
2 Judy can dress up as a boy in Jeffs clothes. |
T/F |
3 lt's a party for all the students from school.
T/F |
4 Jeff wants to go to the party. |
T/F |
5 Aga left the party half an hour ago. |
T/F |
6 Jeff knows Kim very well. |
T/F |
7 Kim and Jeff danced together. |
T/F |
8 Aga madę her costume out of plastic bags.
T/F |
0 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.
Uzupetnij dialog stówami z ramki.
love sorry magazines shame idea dance great Please have to
Mark: Wow! Your costume is_
How did you make it?
Aga: I used all my mother's colour
Mark: Listen! It's rock-and-roll! Let's
Aga: I_rock!
Mark: Oops! Your dress! What a_
l'm so_Aga!
Aga: Oh, no! Now I_go
home. And ! wanted to win the dance competition.
Mark:_, don't be angry, Aga.
Aga: lt's not your fauit, Mark. It wasn't a good _to make a paper dress.
Ą Answer the ąuestions.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 Can you dance?
2 Do you like school discos?
3 What kind of musie do you like?
2 Read the photo story again and check your answers.
Przeczytaj historyjkę obrazkową jeszcze raz i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
4 What's the most popular dance you dance?
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