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weddine flower considerations

The key to successful wedding flowers is planning! Whether you design your own floral arrangemcnts. have your florist create them or work in tandem with your florist, there are a few important issues you must consider.

IB U DG ET Don't bc ashamcd if you havc a snvill budgct. A good florist will make suggcstions that work wilhin your pricc rango, no muter lvow big or smali. Consider making somc or .ill of tlić flowent your-jtelf, or cvcn growlng them in your very own garden!

2SIZE The sizc of your wedding party will

grcutly łmpact the amount of moncy you spend on flowers. Uouqucts. corsagos. boutonnieres and flower girl baskets add up. so you may want to limit the wedding party to inr.lude only your closcst friends and family.

3I.0C ATI 0N Hefore choosing the location

for your cercmony and rcc.cption, be surę to get all the Information you nced. Is the vcnue available on the datę you have chosen? Do łltey have ccrtain parameters when it comcs to floral arrangemcnts? Will you or the florist be ablc to arnve carly to set up the arrangemcnts?

4 CO I,OH SCHEME The color schcme of

your wedding will bc enhaneed by the llowcrs you choose for tlić cercmony and rcception. Look through books and maga/.ines, and ask for advice front friends and family. Estperiment with diflerent tyjtes of flowers in a varicty of colors until you have found the pcrfcct combination.

3P E R S 0 N A L ST Y L E Are you the seri-

ous typc. or are you a comodian? Are you conservativc or carcfrec? Your flowers should rcflcct your personality. Consider whether you prefer a simplc bouquct of toose garden flowers or a sophisti-cated array of elegant blossoms.

6M 00 I) Your flowers will not only reflect the color and style of the wedding. but ihey will also set the mood. Ask yotirself what you want to convcy on your wedding day. Attend other weddings and make niemal notes about dccoralions that catch your cyc, and why.

7 TIME OF DAY Ifyou'd llke your wedding to be morę casual, conskler holding the cercmony in tlte moming or afternoon. A simplc botujuot of frcsl) wiklflowers will nnhance the casual yet classy wedding. If you are ammging your own flowers. consider scltcd-ullng your wetkling later in the day to glve yourself plcnty of limę for last-minutc details.

8 W E AT 11 E R "'bile nothmg is morę bcauti-ful than an outdoor wedding, Iteat. wind and rain tan put a damper on the day. If you’re ptanning an outdoor sumnter wedding. flowers such as daisies. roses, lillcs. camations and muim. Avoitl gardenia*. tulips, stephanotis and irises. which are likely to wllt in high tempemtures. For outdoor rcceptions, make surę your tablc arrangemcnts are propcrly anchored. A light wind can caslly blow them ovcr.

S E A S O N Ib *ave moncy, choose flowers that are in season at the linie of your wedding. Your florist will be ablc to help you with this and make suggcsiions b.ised on your color. style and budgct. Avoid ordo ring llowcrs during the liolidays when they are in liigher demami and will bc morę expensive. If out-of-scason flowers are an absolute must. opt for silk arrangemcnts instead.

F H A GIIA N C E The sweet .ironia of your favoritc flower can be bcautiful, but it can also bc overpowcring. Ust: strong-smclling flowers .such as gardenias. Starga zer lilics and Casa Blanca lillcs sparingly, and ask your florist to recommcnd flowers with soft fragrances.


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