Wirtualny Kalendarz Majow na dzien KS

Wirtualny Kalendarz Majow na dzien KS

i www.mayaimajix.com

Tzolkin datę for 12/21/2012:



Four / Stability ^

Four is the cube

the most stable of all forms, and the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form.

The energy of Four sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a gamę, work, or relationship.


Sun ( Ajpuu * Ahau)

Day of the ancestors and connection to their guidance.

The divine face of the sun, lord, musician, singer, dancer, and marksman. Sun’s are artistic, heroic athletes, visionaries with wise judgment who lead and defend the people.

So much is expected from themselves and by other people that unfulfilled expectations are a certainty.

An accumulation of these disappointments may lead Sun to evade responsibilities, not accept corrections and even build resentment and disdain towards others. Suns should simplify their lives to be able to rise and shine with unconditional love once again.

A Good Day to:

Ask for the wisdom and continued honored memory of our ancestors.

Tonę: 4 - Stability, Sun Sign: SUN (AHAU)

( of cycle)


12 Vg21 v|2012 calculate I


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