Untitled 35

Untitled 35

Take advantage of rwo-hole componcnts for a richly laycred nccklace. Double-drilled daggers and cross-hole rosę montees allow you to add embellishmcnls, changc direction, and crcatc a nccklace thac adds another dimcnsion to dassic daisy chain.


nockJaeo 18 in, (46 cm)

•    12 15 mm two-note daęjg?rs

•    12 3-4 rrr. -aut raretortf-

•    12 4 min tre p::»Vłcd beoct-

•    37 3 run fim-pstehoa bnarts

•    48 lń-p* nrops

•    i r eoedboatfc

iCgcdot a 3 g ccłor 9

•    3g (5'6!)«ibaaas

•    Owik bullt.ll

•    ; r0»3 l> fc. v.n\

•    Medog ooeofei. n;2

f-cr source irfcrmatcn. see ar ReoooroB OX)e oi BaKKndBuaon. coovtesa«cee.

step step

[1]    On x comfortabłc leogth of ł-irdme. anach x stop bead | Basic*, p. 10J>, Icaring a 2 yd. (1.8 m) taił. Pkk up

six color A 11' secd bcads. and sess through the lirst A agam to form ;• tiitg fiiąixo i. a-b). Pick up ao A.skip tsso As in the ring, and sew through the om A in thc oppnw direetśon (b-c).

[2]    Pick up fyur As jud »ew through the isext A in the prcviou$ ring to font) a six-bcad ring (c-d). Pick up an A. skip two As in the ring, and scw through thc »ext A ui the opposite direction (d-«).

[3]    ISck upcighr As, and ww through the next A in thc presious stitch (figura 2. a-b). Pick up a 3 mm firc-połished hrad, skip four As in thc ring,and sess through tit.' fiftli A in the opposire direction (b-c).

[4]    Pick up an A. two lrir.ee drops, ami an .'V and acw through the ncxt A in thc previousstitch (figuro 3. a-b). Pick up an A. skip two As, and scw through the tiret drop itl the oppswte direerton (b-c). Puk up a 4 mm fine-poliśhed bead. two drops.

and the top hole cif a two-hole dagger. and scw through the ncxr drop in ihc preeious Stitch (c-d). As you puil ihc stiu-hes lighl. make surę thc drops arc |xivtior.cd on the front of the necklacc.

[5]    Pkk up a rosę monree, slidc it up to ihc leadworh. and sos through the top hole of the dagger ro makr a diagonal (figura 4. a-b). Scw through the ocher hole in the rosę mottiee. and through the top drop on thc ołhcr .sidc of the rioc (b-C).

[6]    Pick up four As. and sess* through thc isext drop ui the prcvious stitch.

Pick up an A. skip a drap and an A, and sess- through tlić iical A iu the opposite direction (C-d). Make surę thc drops are positioocd on the front o! the necklace.

[7]    Rrpc.st »tcps 3 through 6 umil you've added a wtal of 12 daggens. ending and adding thre-ad (Basicst as ncedrd. Rcpeat step ^ lo add another stitch with a 3 min. Resume sotchtng

in regular daisy chain. as in step 2. umil the regular daisy chain segment i» a bont 4in. (lOcmJ long.

[8]    Rcmorr ihc stup bead Irom ihc taił, and stńch m regular daisy cham unn* the segment is aboui 4 in.| 10 cm) lotic.

[9]    Ai one cod ul rur nccklace. pi.k up six As, rhc bulion shank. and six As.

Scw through both As on tfee end of the Ust stitch, and rrtiacc ihc threjd palh through thc bcads (figura 5. a-b). Scw through thc top A on the lasr daisy chain stitch (b-c). Piik up a mlur Bilsecd bcad. and sew through thc ncxt top A (c-d). Repca: umil you r«ch the Ctst daisy stitch w uh a 3 mm.

WMMt.BeacMndBalloncu" ApiJgOtO 77


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