6Top BMP

6Top BMP

/f 5’- l<ółtJoU*t3t_Ł ,

Both the passenger terminals ancj |he nano-celi must be switched off during take-off and landing to ensure-they do not interfere with mobile networks on the ground. Once the aircraft reaches a minimum height of 3,000 meters, the system may be switched ' on by the cabin crew. Mobile handsets will then be abie to use the aircraffs network service to make and receive calłs which will be routed via a safellite link to the

network on the ground. Again, cails will be bied through passengers' normal service providers. Ofcom said that if the service proves successful it could be extended to 3G

and other servioe$ in futurę.


nano-cell, passenger terminals, be routed, service providers,

3G~^ ‘H./Ł.-f*

voice calls, in-seat phones, premium roaming rates, push e-maiL comms regulator,

