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takcn part in dccds of armsy and who were well able to recount them. I sought out heralds ofgood reputc, to check and rerify the stories I had heard. In this way I have collected the materiał for this noble history; and as long as with God's grace I shall live> I will go on with it, for the morę I work at it, the morę satisfaction and pleasure it gir es me. IAke the gallant knight, in lorę with the pursuit of Ar ms, by persererance and attention perfects his skill in it, thus by labouring and working on this subject I acąuiregreater ability and delight. "
He speaks there for morę than himself alone. He was a poet, too, and wrote much other prose as well as this truły vast Chronicles. He is nowadays considered to be totally unreliable as a historian (someone wrote recently that he was the first historical novelist) and much of his
Figurę 110. (A) A carving on a roof-boss in the nave vault of Exeter Cathedral: St. Peter carrying a well-rcpresent-ed sword of Type XVI. (B) A sword, a XVI, shown on a wall-painting by Lippo Memmi, at San Gemigniano. (Painted in 1317.) (C) Another, a XVIA, from the same wali painting. (D) A XVIA, c. 1320, once in the collection of M. Charles Boissonas, in Switzerland. (illustration by the author)
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oak sih6 128 takcn part in dccds of armsy and who were well able to recount them. I sought out hera32967 oak sih6 48 48 Figurc 44. Hilt of a sword from a Yiking grave at Ristiina in S. Finland, 80213 oak sih6 18 Figurę 14. A late example of the medicval War Sword, circa 1500-1520. In a privatoak sih6 38 Figurę 38. Close-up of the hilt of Fig. 37 and of the beast s head. The grip is, of couoak sih6 Type X, or very narrow, as in Type XI, or broad and not very long, as in Type XII, and sooak sih6 118 The ncxt Type XIV sword, in even finer condition, is now, I believe, in the Nationalmuoak sih6 28 ■• •jrtSi Figurc 24. Type II, circa 850.18710 oak sih6 ffagments of it survive and provide us with reason to suppose that tliis great sword31322 oak sih6 28 ■• •jrtSi Figurc 24. Type II, circa 850.więcej podobnych podstron