smpb 27

smpb 27

GooJ Health małe es the will strona a feeble body weakens it

The instruction on this vcry.vital subjcct is in itsclf worth morc than the price of the Fuli Course. Ccrtain little secrcts, easily applied, soon givcs you a Dominating, Wcalth-Winning Pcrsonality. And remember, this instruction is not given by any other physical dircctor. What: usc arc big nuiscles to you unless you havc the PERSON ALITY that will givc you POWER ovcr other men so that you can win SUCCESS? Here you sec you get the COMPLETE Course for the most perfect development of the WHOLE MAN.

YOU NEED COURAGE, CONFIDENCE AND POWER OF WILL! Did you ever see a weakling leading a crowd? Of course not! You cannot be a leader and be a weakling. I'he wcak, timid man is afraid. He lacks the courage, the daring and the strength. He has no poisc, no self-confidcnce. His nerves are unsteady and łie cannot Se rclied upon. Everyone detects the weakling. Therc is no need for you to rernain a human cypher when by a fcw wceks under my expert guidance you can change your weakness for strength, your diseasc for Health, your timidness for dauntless courage and daring—so that you can qualify for Lifc’s Greatcst Prizes. My methods train your systcmatically, giving you the power of continued endurance. It devdops the will, tclls how to banish fear, and devclop self confidence. It shows how to get dauntless courage which is vitally nccessary in your battlc for succcss. This is esscntially the age of the survival of the fittest and you want to learn how to mount the laddcr to health, wealth, succcss and happiness—not as a bully, but with CONTROLLED COURAGE POWER. The lessons give all the essential Information stripped of all unless padding, and that's just what you require.


The Perfect Man Fiudi Perfect Happiness in Marriaęe.

The instructions also fully covcrs the qucstion of virility building, making it ccrtain that you can bccome a father of healthy, happy, norma] children. The pride and joy asso-ciated with perfect parenthood is one of Life’s greatcst blessings. If you are scxually weak, if your vitality has bcen draincd, if you havc been sowing your wild oats, if you are tainted by some blood disease you havc absolutely no right to marry some purc. sweet, innoccnt girl, and pass on your weakness to your off-spring. Rut no matter what your trouble, weakness or condition, by faithfully adhering to my simplc secrets on this vital subjcct, you can come back, you can be the man you should be. your wife cxpccts you to be, and your children think you are. This is a most serious subjcct and of the utmost importancc. Ex-perience has prcved to mc that 98 per cent. of all young men and older men arc suffering scxually or paying the pena 1 ty for carly sexual abuses. The hideous results that Naturę im-

Nature has given us one body—one tempie for the soul—that person is a fool who neglects its proper care



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