Enhonced strongth, speod.

ty; o*p«rt irackcr and skiltod hand-to-hand fęfiter


1 lis parents were Kussian aristoerats, who died while he was a cliilil. Sergei KruvinofF found enjployinent with an Alfican safari, learning to rrack and kill big gamc.A mystical serum augmented his strength and speed. and Kravinort*becanie the worlds greatesi buntu After anglici/ing bis namc to Kravcn. he took up a challenge from his criminal half-brother, the Ghamuuon, to bunt the most ilangerous gamę of all the American Super I lero Spii>łr-Man.

After surtering numerous defcats, hotb on lus own and as one of the Sinjister Si\. Kraven traiu|uili/ed Spider-Man and buried him alive. Kraven then assumed the heros identity in a bid to prove liimsell the better crime lighter. In the cml, confident that life beld no lurther challenge. Kraven shot aml killed himself. Spider-Man later belped Krawtis spirit fmd its finał rest. Krawns son Vl.ulimir brielly served as the (inni I lunter. while bis son Alyoslu bas sińce beeome the secoiul Kraven the Hunter. DW

Kulan Gath

Dospilo »ł*s modosl superpowurwl abiWics. Kravw's OomUM sk*l aAowed ! him to hokl his own agairst muttiplo    i

metalu# nan oppononts.

FIRST APPEARANCE Conan the Barbarian #15 (May 1972)

REAL NAME Kulan Gath



SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Manipulates magie to a ve»y high

lovol. Can swtnmon demonie entities. mentally control indiwluals.

protoct beams of mystical lorce, and restrucluro flosh arxl bono.

FIRST APPEARANCE thor #31/ (Soplembor 1884, as Algnm). Secrel Wars II #4 (Octobor 1985. as Kursę)

REAL NAME Valgo!h. formorly Algrirn the Slrong OCCUPATION Vongoance■ sockcr Bose Asgard HEIGHT 7 ft WEIGHT 840 Ib® EYES YWOW HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Almost imilloss strength. and is irm*lnerabl« 10 almost oB harm. Can sense the presence of thoso ho hunts from a wortd away.



^ Sorgoi Kravmotf £ OCCUPATtON

V Professional gamę hunter and mercenary BASE

HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 235 fos EV£S Brown HAIR Black


Amazrng Sptder-Man Vol. I »/5 (August 1964;

KREEj The see opposite page


FIRST APPEARANCE The Eternate VW. 1 *1 (July 1976)

REAL NAME Kro OCCUPATION Monarch of Earlh s Ooviants BASE Dos-iant Lomuria HEIGHT 6ft5ln WEIGHT 320 835

EYES Red HAIR Baki with black facal hair SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhuman strength; mental control owy his body. gkńng him vir1ual immortallty. the powec to hoal from scvere injurfes. and hmrted shapeshifting abStio®.

Unlike other members of the Deviants. an oftshoot of humaiiity. Kro is virtually immortal, and bas lived morę than 20,000 years. Kro has concealed his longcvity by pretending to be his own desccndants. Kro tell in love with Tiiena of the li i crnals, the Deviants’ focs.Thcy have mostly remained apart. but deeades ago they had twins known as Donald and I )eborah Rit ter. Formerly a warlord, Kro has beeome ruler of the

Deviants on F.arth. PS

Kulan Gath oncc held a high position among the sorccrcrs of Stygia during the Hyborian era. He married his bitter rival. the sorceress Vaminatar, to gain acccss to the Imn-Bound 13ooks of Shuma-Gorath and together they opened the books. unleashing a Netlier Demon. Kulan Gath also studied under the master sorcerer Thoth-Amon, a longtime enemy of Conan the Barbarian.The wizareTs physical body has been killed morę than oncc but bis spirit always survives, often in a nccklace, to enslave others. He has elashed with I )r Si RANC.L. Spider-Man. THF. AVFN(JERS and the X-Mfn, among others. mt

Kursę hegan life as Algrini the Strong. mightiest of the Dark lilvcs who served their ruler Malekith. Choscn to battleTitoR. on behalfofhis master, Algrini fell into a pit of lava. His desire for vcngeance was so strong he survived, but he no longer knew who he was.The

>ni>f.r decided to use Algrini to dy vengeance. I le transformed Algrini into the vastly morę powerful Kursę, who pursued I hor across the Ninę Worlds. Kursę cventually learned that his true enemy was his one-time ruler Malekith. After he siew the Dark Llf Lord. his craving for revenge was sated. and he became a sword protector of Asgard and its childrcn. taking the nnine Valgoth. TB



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