milo 01 13

milo 01 13


To Dcve!op thc Mułclet o( ihe Logi

Start with same amount of wcight as in Reg-ular Exereisc No. I. After thc first month. usc 15 pounds morę than you arc using in Regu-lar Excrcise No. I.

Lift beli from floor. raisc it abovc    ^

thc hcad. and then lower it until it    ^

r«ts on thc napc of thc ncck. If    V

you will press thc shouldcrs to-    ^

gether. you will llcx thc trapraius musdcs. and they will furnish a con-vcnicnr and comfortablc shelf for thc handle of the beli co rest upon.

Standing with thc hccls together. tocs turacd outward. bend thc legs at the knees. and sink down into position Figurę No. 13. Rise up again and rcpcat scvcral times. When you lowct thc body. thc hccls rise from thc ground. Point thc knees as far out to thc sides as you can. as this help* to dcvclop thc muscles on thc outside of the thighs. Moreovcr. thc morc you point thc knees to thc sidc. thc casicr it is to kccp the body upright. At first you will not be ablc to go all the way down. but as thc musdcs becomc

Mronger and morc ciastIc you will be ablc to almost sit on thc hcels.

Repoat 20 times. Evcry łhird day 2 times morc. till 40 times: then incrcase thc wcight of thc beli 5 pounds.

Still atanding with hccls dose together. tocs pointed outwards. kccp thc legs straighc at thc knees and rise up on the tocs as high as possiblc. Low’cr thc hccls gcntly to thc floor. and rise up again on thc toes 30 or 40 times in succcssion. lfryou allow the legs to bend at thc knees you wfll spoił thc excrcisc. so you must lock thc knees firmly into position.

Ncxt, walk around the room acvcral times on tip-toc. kceping thc legs straight and stiff at the knees, and ncver allowing thc hccls to comc near thc floor. as shown in Figurę No. 14. Try to “point" the toes as a to« danccr docs. This walking on tip-toes is a great devdopcr of thc musdcs on the back of thc calf of the leg: it also benefits thosc who sufler from fallen archcs.

Notę FOR Advanced PUPILS—After you havc bcen cxcrcising a fcw months and find thc Deep Knec Bend fairly eaay, you will necd something morę vigotous. Better results will be obtained by using a rather heavy poundage in this form of cxcrcise. To do so. it will be nec-cssary to keep thc fect Hat on the floor. The cx-ercisc will also be easier if thc fcet are kept par-allcl. Sec Figurę No. 13A. Sit down as far av possible cach timc you squat. An advanced pupil who is not afraid to work can learn to handle at Icast twice his bodywcight.

Your Second Course will show the best method of putting a heavy beli on the shouldcrs.

Page 13


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