jow05 09

jow05 09


t7A th thln FITO leeaon, you bogiń roni suaelo bulldIng wlth tft* uao «f your Progroislvo powor Biłorun    Thoy nrc go Ing forwurć to you undor ••pirat® ahlp-


You Will flnd thoae PUlcrun Bollo oUanlo to uno and Tory offOotive tn *pooding up your rcaulta. Thoy c ona t i tu to nr- boot inrantlon, iaproving etill Parther tho fanoua pro-roaalw© jaothod of body huilding that ha a bullt tho flnoat phyaiqu*a in tho world. Bo Ing orpntc-i on tho old roliable fulcnm (or leyerago) ayatea of satho-: ^tlos, lt prcnrlde* a eonatantly Increaalng wolght roalatanoo that in air.plo, oafb and ouro. It afforda a progrooBion of roalatanoo that you oar. ir.croaao •lowly and anoathly to icaop atop wlth your ooąatantly growing atrnugth. Yhoro aro no tiar oh ju&po Ln addlsg wolght aa wlth othor outflta that ssay tlro your ouaoloa boforo thoy havo attainod tho porouaalw bono fi ta of ar. oxcrciac, that flta thcr for the r*xt wolght.

Sarr to Oporato Yeur Hilorua Bella

Pirat, graap tho -rlpplnę o ad of tho '-ar wlth your hand. Soo that tho OUfER odjto of your hand (tho o Ido of yoor llttlo flngor) ie fluah wlth tho cnd of tńe hor. Nett o lido tho BŁOCK on tho hor ur.tll lt la cloao to tho thunb-alde of your tum*.

•lx tha błock on tho bar at thla poaltlon i thla posltion rl-roo you a loYorago rrlght of about flvc pounda. Sb la la tho poaltlon wl th whloh to bogiń ot ar-/ r.ew gr-_-.-glau. Bear thla in nlad ploaao all through your tralning.

Bo auro to oarofUlly atudy oach ezorolao illuatratloa to bo auro hcw tho uloruu Pall la to hc hałd la your band for oach axoraiae. The poaltlon of tho błock varloa for difforont ozorclaoa: aomotiaoa tho błocka aro to bo hołd foolng oach othor, and aamotlaoo po lat Ing away fren oach othor.

fice. hj i^crzask :/sioht os yoor ntouu 3£Lls

Tho fur tho r away froc your hand tho błock la tho groator tho wolghti

If you flnd tho orlr.lnol wolght - wlth tho błock cloao to your hand - 1« not Onough roalatanco for YOU, thon alido tho błock a llttlo Purthor away fkon your hand alonę tho bar. DOł?*T got too anxious at tho bogThźinp and nuah tho błock ao far along tho bar niy fron your hand, that you havo to foroo your rfcropgth to hołd tho bolla, Sueh atrain la dotrlnental, and contrary to all SCI:;X7IPXC body buildlng -rlnolploai nuaclo grewth muat bo stlnulated by gradual, unotralnod progroaDion.

Inoreaao In Stop Wlth YOtTP. Crowlńg Strongth Aa you nrogroao lr. atronrth iuat puah tbo błock along tho bar to satłsfy tho dogania of your atrangth, wtthout atroining, ln oach glren erorolao. Ihnt'a whoro ! dopend on your Inrelllęont Judpsont. You will flnd that ao*» oacorclaoa will r«-qulrc gr*ater wolght (that la the sorlng of tho blook furthor olong tho bar), and nthorn loanor wolght, dopondlrr on tho al:o and potror of tho maoloa invol*roć. If you uao your intolllf.cnoo and dopond on your fOollnf, you will flnd tho pulcrun Bella* Sothod auoorlor to omy othor nobhod lr. which you havo to a top nnć wanto con-aldorablo tlno in unacrcwlng boita and puttłng on hoarior wolghta that aro uaually t**0 oach »f i juwp ln roalatanoe. Wlth. tr.o -ulurun Bella, you aoot your growlng nuaoular nooda wlth a qulek hand nororaont which dooa not rob you of tlno and ploaa-uro. Erery tlno yau noro tho błock nlor.;* tho bar away trem vour hand, you add a rroater reaiotanoo tłmt la oqulvalcr.t uair.- a hca%-'lor duaaboll.' '^lon you got to tliat advo_ieo atago whon you aro ablo to ezorolae wlth tho blosk at "Uw oztreno end


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