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What a few Newspapers and Critics Say About Earle Liederman

"... Earle Liederman gave a display of his physical devel-opuieni that was fairly amazing. His arins and trunk are a mass of kugc muscles, which he flexes impressively. He is most rcmarkably developed. One would hardly know that the body had as many muscles as this man is able to control and use before the audience. He de-lights in exhibiting his muscular strength."—Ulica Press, Feb., 1916.

"Earle Liederman madę a great hit at the Nelida last evening, and entertained two largc audiences wilh his clever work. Liederman has muscles that are not only wonderfully developed, but which are as lithe and as graceful as possible. His posing was excellent, and his calisthenics as good as we have ever seen."—Catskill, N. Y„ Daily Mail. July 27, 1912

“Liederman, an athlete of morę than ordinary ability, headed the bill. His powcrful build is seen to advantage in his poses. The act is nove! and of high standard "—Hudson. N. Y. papcrs, October. 1916.

"An 'all round athlete ' How many imes does this expression ap-pear in athletic magazmes aml periodicals and does so without regard to whether it is correctly applied or not?

"What an 'all round athlete' means in fuli life cannot be better shown than by the prohcicncy attained by Earle E. Liederman. who is widely known as a Physical Directoi . Howevcr, it is not only kis ability in heading this work that has madę him known in athletic circles. but his unusual muscular development and great success as a gymnast and wrestler, and also his record in hand balancing and tumbling, his proficiency in all of which has only been secured through ycars of careful work.

“When Mr. Liederman began systematic exercise; working on the principle that doing the hardest work in the least number of motions would result in the greatest good. he limited his period of exercise to hour, and this he has taken each morning sińce. Of this he says, ‘1 never miss one day, no matter how I feel, or what time I have retired the night before.'

"And this habit may be considered the chief cause of the beauti-fully roundcd muscles. riva!ling as they do ancient statuary, muscles tkat are as flexible as it is possible for human tissue to become and at tke same time. are massiyely formed. Mr. Liederman is a pronounced enemy of the prevalent idea of 'oyerdoing' in exercising.

"The fact that he is normal in his living refutes the argument that ‘strong men' must eat and live in a separate sphere so far as food and sleep are concerned. Like all other competent athletes. Mr. Liederman refrains from the u«e of intoxicants. An excellent idea of his physique can be gotten by a careful study of his measurements. fSee measurements on another page.)

“Counting his life as a whole it can be safely said that if morę of American athletes yiewed 'tving as does this man. the athletic- in this country would gain even morę rapidly than they have"—The Naturo-path and Herald of Health Magazine. March. 1912.



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