mus dev(7) 30

mus dev(7) 30

I remembcr, whcn I first startcd systcmatic training, my own arm measured only 10 inchcs around the uppcr part or biceps, whilc now it measures lóyś inches—quite a diffcrence, isn’t it? Now a lóJ-^-inch arm does not only mean 16J4 inches ot massłve, knotty muscles, just to look at. It means strength behind it and almost unlimited energy.

My chest, at present, measures expanded, close to 48 inches—and what does that mcan? Not just a heavy muscular back development and thick pectoral muscles, but internal organs that are strong—a lung capacity that signifies endurance and vitality and energy. which give me a vigorous and healthy constitution.

I have simply called your attention to two parts of my body that can be equa!led and perhaps bettered by any one who so desires Re-member, what I have done for myself -you can do for yoursclf— it is just up to you.

Proper Exerci*e

There is only one way to get rapid results from exercising and that is to exercise the right way.

You can exercise for several years and if you do not do it the right way you will have no results to show for your efforts. But if you know how to go about it and with the guidance of a competcnt instructor, you can make a new person of yourself in a few months' time.

Progressive exercising is the only way to get results quickly. By progressivc exercising 1 mean to inerease the tension or rcsistance morę and morc as you bccomc stronger, and by so doing you can obtain your maximum development. It may not feel likc play at first. but it won’t be long before you acquire a vast interest in your work and then you will find pleasure in doing it. especially when you begin to see results.

In exercising, the tension or resistance should be heavy enough to give you real exercise. A few good vigorous and straining move-ments will do you a great deal morę good than a hundred light ones. This is not a theory but based on pcrsonal expcricnce.

I only wish I knew' as much about physical culture whcn 1 first started excrcising as i do today. I would have savcd a great ainount of energy and time if I had; and all my pupils who are following my system are profiting by my experienee.

Whcn first 1 desired to become strong, I had no one to teach me and tell me what kind of excrcises to do, so I stood in front of a mirror and lookcu myself over and tried to plan out a system to follow so I could build myself up, for I was thin—so painfully thin, I could count every rib without taking a deep breath to expand them. My schoolmatcs used to cali me "Skinny” and it would hurt my feelings, for I was aiways very sensitive as a boy. Finally after a lot of ex-perimenting and wasting of time 1 at last got started on a system of my own which I gradually iinproved upon each day. and then I madę up my mind I would be an athlete in every sense of the word, and I am glad to say 1 havc succeeded far better than I evcr expccted.

Another important fact to reinember if you are desirous of obtain-ing a good development is this:—

It is far brtte*- to ?x*rci** a few minutes each day and do heavy vigorous movements than to waste an hour of your time doing light


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