


Central sulcus (Rotando)

Organizalion of Ihe Brain: Cerebrum

Postcentral gyrus

Precentral gyrus

Postcentral sulcus

Precentral sulcus.

, Superior parietal lobule

Interior parietal lobule ^ Supramarginal gyrus y Angular gyrus

. Parietooccipital sulcus

Frontal pole

Ocdpital pole

Lateral sulcus ■ (Sykrkis)

Temporał pole'

Interior temporal gyrus

Superior temporal gyrus

Figurę 2.1 Organization of the Brain: Cerebrum

The cerebral cortex represents the highest center for sensory and motor processing. In generał, the frontal lobe processes motor, visual, speech, and personality modalities. The parietal lobe processes sensory intormation; the temporal lobe, auditory and memory modalities; and the ocdpital lobe, vision. The cerebedum coorcfinates smooth motor activities and processes musde positkm. The brainsiem (meduKa, pons, midbrain) conveys motor and sensory intormation and mediates important autonomie tunctions. The spinał cord receives sensory input from the body and corweys somatic and autonomie motor intormation to peripheral targets (muscles, viscera).



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