smpb 23

smpb 23

The souł is withered and ucbased in an unhealthy and cold body

the molicuic of a drug—even when thc dmg is a liquid—is largcr thaii thc cells and cannot be used. Consequcntly thc cells try and figlit thc drug, push it out of thc body. This cffort to expcll thc poison, causes an irritation, which is often mistakcniy called a “stimulation” and thus set up a condition worse than thc original troublc for which thc drug was supposed to cure. Until you gct rid of thc poison or medicine you can never be hcalthy and well.

Now compare thc rcsults with those produced by following thc Atlas System. When your analysis blank is rcccivcd, your habits of life and your wcakncsses arc vcry carefully studied ovcr by Dr. Tilney and mysclf. I will plan certain cxerciscs for you. What effcct will this cxercisc havc? Just this. The cells of thc body live only a few minutes. They arc constantly dying off. Proper scicntific cxcrdsc —replaces these cells by new and stronger ones. Do not think any kind of excrcise is good enough. Trying to experiment yourscłf or rclying upon some instructors will eventually do you morę harm than good. In other words, you arc likcly to tear down muscular tissue faster than it can bc built up. Or you niay bum out the energy, so that while you may even succeed in securing big, lumpy musclcs, there is no real strength and endurance back of them. Every cxcrcise you get from me is actually SCIENTIFICALLY planncd and will accomplish the very thing desired with bcncfidal effeets. So, instead of fceling tired out, straincd, exhausted as is thc casc with other systems, under my direction you will feel energized. refreshed, and thc cxcrcises will be of a recreative naturę. Your inner and outer muscular cells will devclop perfcctly and naturally as well as ąuickly. The original body building methods you will find morę interesting and enjoyablc as the days go by. This is because cvcry cffort you make, you know you arc a step nearer thc goal of human pcrfection.

The physually perfect tnan do a not have to "Baby” his stornach. Be able to eat <whal you like and lorget indigeslion.

Of coursc, in addition to proper cxcr-cises, thc right foods arc vitally important, because wc arc what we eat. Dr. Tilney and I have madę a special, carcful study of dietetics and corrcctive foods. The organie and inor-ganic salts rcquircd by the blood and the cells arc completcly furnished by thc foods 1 tell you to eat. The diet that will be outlincd for you contains all the elcmcnts to thoroughl) nourish the body, and cach individual ccii.

The clcments in thc foods arc so smali, bur in the right proportion, that they can be used by the cells for maximum health building rcsults. So from the foods you do not get thc bad effeets as from thc dnigs. 'Ehe foods I advise arc casily obtained. energy creating, musclc and Health .Building. By properly applied excrtise and diet, together with exter-nal and intcrnal bathing to wash away the accumulatcd dcad cells, you can rebuild your

Stop digging your grave with your knife and fork



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