International express intermediate test unit 3 part 2

International express intermediate test unit 3 part 2

Complete the emai

Complete the conversations with these words and phrases.

afraid are as soort as busy can make cant cottfirm cant make

-y ——

conwnient does free get back    go od for    let no good

pcncil in right    should befine    sound good    why would suit

_____to you?

_ next wcek


can you let can [ am looking forwar Vve attached

Dear Mr Grcen,

B No, I 2 A _

_any days next week.

you___ on Wednesday this wcek?

B Sorry, no. But t 3 A Is the 17th_

__ncxt Wednesday.


Thank you for you on Monday aftem to mcci you at tfu of the schcdule w

B Im not surę. I’ll

to you tomorrow.

4 A

dorft we meet agnin next month?

B Tm

next month is

for me.

5 A Is elevcn oclock

B Yes, late morning__

6 A l____the datc__

for you? _ me.


B OK, but lefs A OK__

_ the 25th for now.

----I know the datę, I’11

7 A Tuesday the 14*______for me.

you know.

B Sorry, Im__


David Slevcru Sales Mairage

Complete the corwersations. Choose the correct words (a, b, or c).

1 A He cant comc today—hestoobusy,

a becauseD    b consequence □    c

B Then we II have to mcct tomorrow as a____

a tlue D    b cause □    c

2 A Our lale start will_us to work late tonight.

a cause D    b    result D    c

B That might_problems with transport this evening.

a createD    b    leadD    c

3 A Staff may arrive lale_of the snów.

a result U    b    conseąuence    LU    c

B Yes, slow travel times are often the_of bad weather.

a cause □    b result □    c

4 A The new system has — in a rise in profits.

a caused □    b created □    c

B Yes, but I think the success is also_to our new manager.

a due EJ    b resuit Q]

lead □

conseąuence D

due O


because Q


resulted □


Looks Use t Y


2 A B

3 /

A Wre’ve postponed the meeting as a_of Bob’s illness.

a cause O    b conseąuence Q

B Will this — to a delay with the contract? a result D    b dueD

lead D

C becauseD


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