Silver Wire Jewelry1

Silver Wire Jewelry1

C O I L S S A W N INTO K I N <’, S

. re accusiomcd m worklng willi ihis iijiip. you know thal ilieres usually a

•    • iwecn liii* projeel and Ilu* ihlckncss wirc. which is rallcd i lic "key mulili thls book. lite ring slżeś sliown ^ photographs arc ihosc described

z' j lexl. I.arge rings arc combincd willi !-r ones. You can always changc llie ! Ihc rings—-|ust play willi II. Kor d you who have ncvcr beforc iricd miii mail icdiniiiuc. ifs beitcr lo •' ihc rccommcmlcd sizes.

e -: purcliascd rings for ihc orna*

-    sliown. II you wam lo saw your

n rings. you should allow a linie morę d—ihcrc is wasic in sawing—and

•    irc thal ihc levcl of difficulty

•    jscs a linię. lor Ihc 1‘rojccls

c and closc tlić rings youll need : ars of clialii-nose pliers and.

1*1 i*, łlly. a rotary lumblcr for polisbing.

r. your own rings you ll need an •- ner drill, winding and bracclct a visc. a jcwelcrs saw and

-    iwo pairs of chain-nosc pllcrs.

• o! soft loallicr. and optionally. a

r. tumblcr.

Minii Mml ul Mirr Should Itr IscdS

Copper. brass. or ronini or half-round siefling silver.

SlKer-plaied or colorcd wirc lsn'l rcc-ommcndcd. as i In: coaling will crack off w hen you work It willi pllcrs.

ini\l\(, KINCiS

licforc a ring can lic used. ii musi lic opened w uh iwo pairs of chain-nosc pliers. lurning ihc enils of ihc ring away from cacli ollicr. I’ut thern back logelher by uiovlng ihc ends a linie bcyond each olher m ihc ollicr dlrcclion and a bil toward ihc ccnicr ol Ihc |olnl. Then puli cvcr so sliglilly on ilic.riug ends and ihcy‘11 pop logelher. so thal Ihc ring is once moro a ring. Ncvcr pluch ihc rings across their diameter or thcy’11 ncvor again be round.

If you rc unablc lo closc the ring com-plcicly Ihc flrsi Unie. you ll have lo open Ihc ring again bcforc irying once morc lo closc ii.

M \klMi Y Ol K on \ ki\<;s

First make a coli. as sliown on page 11. Sawin# Oni Khifis

1’lacc ihc inandrcl (willi llie coli on it) m Ihc visc. cushioncd willi a piece ol leathrr. as shown. This prevcnls llie visc frorn marking the wirc.

Pul llie blade in the saw. willi llie tcctli facing Ihc handle. Always nsc llie lliin-nest possiblc blade for sofi melals. Tiglllcn il wcil.

Make a linie ciii min llie mandrcl firsl. which you ll usc as a miler cul lo help siecr the blade as you saw.



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