

Datę Name.

Side Stretch    2:10

Starting Position: Kneel next to bali. Place top leg out to side and hands on bali.

Movement/Exercise: Press foot into floor and extend top leg allowing trunk to roli over bali sideways. Bring top arm up next to ear and let hand dangle towards floor increasing the stretch. Gently rock at end rangę. Return to start. Switch sides.


Breathing: Inhale on stretch out, exhale when returning to start.


1.    Touch floor with top hand for balance.

2.    Support head with lower hand.

3.    Sit in chair or next to bed and use a smaller bali to


Progression: To increase stretch, push toes of lower leg into floor and extend knee to lie farther over bali.

Hołd_Seconds / Repeat_Times / Do_Times/day

Purpose/ Goal:.

Comments: Feel how gravity assists in expanding ribs and the distance between ribs and hips as spine is gently mobilized laterally. One can do deep breathing exercises lor various hbes ol the lung as they pass over the top of the bali or self percussion using the hand of the lower arm.

©1995 by Joanna Posner-Mayer, PT

Trunk Rotation Stretch    2:11

Starting Position: Kneel next to bali. Rest upper torso and head sideways on bali with one arm on floor.

Movement/Exercise: Push with both legs allowing upper leg to extend as bali rolls under back. Free arm is brought up and out to side in a diagonal opening chest so that it is facing ceiling. Hips will tum slightly to follow trunk.

Breathing: Inhale while stretching, exhale while returning to start.

Modification: Support head with hand or touch lower hand to floor for balance assist.

Hołd Seconds / Repeat_Times / Do_Times/day

Purpose/ Goal:.

Comments: Feel how gravity helps in expanding the ribs and the distance between the lower hip and upper shoutder. Soft tissue can stretch as spine is gently mobilized in rotation while bali supports weight of the body.

©1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT



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