img054 (21)

img054 (21)

edge every WS row 3 times—21 (21, 25, 25, 29, 29) sts rem for shoulder. Work even until armhole measures TA (TA, 8, 8, 8Zi, 8Vi)”. Place shoulder sts on holder.


With RS facing, rejoin yarn to front sts. Shape neck: (RS) K56 (62,68, 74,80,86) for left front, BO 1 st for neck opening, knit to end (right front). Cont in St st on right-front sts only, work 1 row even. Dec row: (RS) KI, ssk (see Glossary), knit to end—1 st dec’d. Rep Dec row every RS row 2 morę times —53 (59, 65, 71, 77,83) sts rem. Work 1 WS row even—6 rows in St st. Next row: (RS) KO (2, 0, 2,0,0), work Row 1 of Hindu pillar st to end. Notę: Neck and armhole shaping occur at the same time; read foli section all the way through before proceeding. Shape armhole: Cont in patt, at armhole edge (beg of WS rows), BO 4 (6,6, 8,8, 10) sts once, then 4 (4, 4,

6,8,8) sts once—4 rows Hindu pillar patt worked; 45 (49, 55, 57,61, 65) sts rem. Dec 1 st at armhole edge every WS row 4 (6, 6,

6,8, 10) times and at the same time on 5th row after beg Hindu pillar patt, beg neck shaping. Shape neck: At neck edge (beg of RS rows), BO 7 (8,9, 10,9, 10) sts once, 5 sts once, 5 (6,6,8, 7,8) sts once, then dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row 3 times—21 (21, 25, 25, 29, 29) sts rem after all shaping is completed. Work even in patt until armhole measures TA (TA, 8, 8,8!4,8'A)". Place shoulder sts on holder. With WS facing, rejoin yarn at neck edge of left front. Cont in St st, work 1 WS row even. Dec row: (RS) Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, kl—1 st dec’d. Rep Dec row every RS row 2 times morę—53 (59,65, 71, 77, 83) sts rem. Work 1 WS row even—6 rows in St st. Next row: (RS) Work Row 1 of Hindu pillar st to last 0 (2,0, 2,0,0) sts, end kO (2,0, 2,0,0). Work 1 row even. Notę: Neck and armhole shaping occur at the same time; read foli section all the way through before proceeding. Shape armhole: Cont in patt, at armhole edge (beg of RS rows), BO 4 (6,6, 8, 8, 10) sts once, 4 (4,4,

6, 8, 8) sts once—5 rows Hindu pillar patt worked; 45 (49, 55, 57, 61, 65) sts rem. Dec 1 st at armhole edge every RS row 4 (6,6, 6, 8, 10) times and at the same time on 6th row after beg Hindu pillar patt, beg neck shaping. Shape neck: At neck edge (beg of WS rows), BO 7 (8,9, 10,9,

10) sts once, 5 sts once,

5 (6,6, 8, 7, 8) sts once, then dec 1 st at neck edge every WS row 3 times—21 (21, 25, 25, 29, 29) sts rem after all shaping is completed. Work even in patt until armhole measures TA (TA, 8,8, 814, 8Vi)". Place shoulder sts on holder.


Błock sweater. With RS facing and using the three-needle BO (see Glossary), join shoulder sts. Seam the upper part of the side seams tog up to the point where the armhole shaping begins. Using crochet hook, join yarn at right shoulder seam (see Glossary for crochet instructions); ch 1, work 1 row single crochet evenly around neck edge, including edges of V opening at center front, join with sl st to first st.

Fasten off. Neck tles: At each side of V opening, at beg of Hindu pillar st section, join yarn with sl st in edge st; work a chain 9" or desired length. Fasten off. Tie in a bow. Weave in ends. □

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