& Carter

Wblle otber high scbool struors art drcaw.1 vug abowt tbelr fw.tu.rcs, Sophie fli-vd Carter are just trylw0 to rualee It throw0h each day. Carter Is overwhelm,ed bij trowbles at ho*ue as ht struggLes to swpport bis ruother. Meawwhlle, rvext door rtel0hbor Sophie Is left to care for ber three yowrt0er slbllw0S lrv place of tbelr abseret and trowbled Kwother. Ali that holds these two best frle»/tds to0ether Is cac-h otber, artd tervowlrvthat each ui0bt they'11 sit to0ether ort Sophle's frow* porch swlkv0 artd escapc from. tbelr trowbles, If just for awhlU. But as tbelr relatlortshlp reaches a turrvlrt0 polrvt artd bl0b scbool 0raduatlorc wears, what lles ahead for Sophie artd Carter?

Chelsea Fine’s passion for writing began when she took a creative writing course during her studies at Arizona State University and found herself not only enjoying the class, but energized by it. She has been dabbling in fiction ever sińce. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband 81199 Photcgrapher iic ancj two children who graciously tolerate

her obsession with superheroes and complete lack of skill in the kitchen.



ISBN 978-1-935089-44-5



9^81935 089445

Acacia Publishing. Inc. 866-265-4553 www.acaciapublishing.com


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