(a) Putf slo«vc: to datormma tha axtra *abr< rtqu»r*d lor a j>uff % «»v*. maaaura an .map.nary 'putt on tha paddad i'm.
(b) Puff W****
iC» Shortan tha afuiipM *laava pattafr
dl Slaah cha paltam and »pr«ad out on fabr*. langtnen top and towar adgaa. Cut out tha naw pattarn atapo and paihar top and towar adgaa
(al Adjuat tha p*tha*a on tha paddad arm to f*t ermnola arxl top artn.
<a) Short tlaavo with gatherad top
0» Shortan tha fittad »iaavo oattam. »>a*h on tha contra liro and opon top aa ahown Pin pattarn to *abc«c and d<aw on tha a*tra hałgM and width roqurod. Straightan towar ad pa
lei Gathar tha alaava haad and ad.oat
tha armhol# to M pn tha wddad arm
A wiaty cf gath«r«d