35999 skanuj0106 (18)

35999 skanuj0106 (18)

Dominika Borówka Elwira Mazurkiewicz Paulina Okoń


- rozważania na przykładzie miasta i gminy Pułtusk

Cultural tourism yersus local deyelopment: reflections on the example of the Pułtusk commune

Summary: According to the examined issue, the modern times are often called the post-industrial age: the age of knowledge, information, development and globalisation. These terms suggest an unambiguous orientation toward modernity that draws benefits from innovative Solutions. However, this era, characterised by dynamism and the rapid pursuit of new technological achievements, seems to tum back to the past ever morę often. Owing to this phenomenon, history and culture became pulling magnets that attract and encourage interaction. In the age of consumption culture also became one of the mass-production goods, offered to potential customers. Each day the number of people who want to benefit from the availability of culture, as well as those who only want to “consume” it, grows. Correspondingly, regions started becoming beneficiaries of the cultural values they owned. These regions finally began to pay morę attention to these previously unappreciated values, taking care of them, putting them on display, and perceiving them, rightly so, as stimuli of development. The renovation of historical tenement houses, return to traditional town functions, favourable attitudes of local authorities towards the organisation of local festivals and support of local traditional manufacturers are fine examples of this trend.

At the beginning of 2004, when a group of students of the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies at the University of Warsaw began a research


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