37033 jff 080

37033 jff 080


Player s start in training position, facing in natural stance.

Step One: Gripping opponent's jacket firmly for support, Tłirower turns right side of his body to Receiver and bends his left leg, Photo #1.

Step Two: Pulling forward and down with both hands, Thrower places left knee on mat, Photo #2.

Step Three: Continuing the downward puli with both hands, Thrower now adds a twist around; places right ankle against right ankle of Receiver, leg held stiff and straight, Photo #3.

Finish: Throw is executed by arm movement down and around, Photo #4.

Receiver ends in Second Fali position.

Notę: As mentioned in the introductory materiał, the throws are presented to you in "slow motion" form so that you will understand the elements and princi-ples which make them work. This throw is an es -pecially good example of the "stop action" techniąue for training. Obviously, as you train, you eliminate the hesitations and breaks in the execution of the throw. Everything blends into one, continuous , smooth and swift action. As you become morę pro-ficient, you may eliminate altogether the action in Step Two and go from Step One directly to Step Three.



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