50309 skanuj0002 (46)

50309 skanuj0002 (46)

the vocal folds are touching each other air passing through the glottis will cause vibration d)vocal folds tightly closed-the vocal folds can be firmly pressed together so the air cannot pass between them

Manner of articulation

1.    Complete clousure

plosive: complete clousure at some point in the vocal tract,

behind which the air pressure builds uo

and can be released explosively /p,b,t,d,k,g/

affricative: complete clousure at some

point in the mouth, behind which the air

pressurer builds up, seperation betwean organs is slow

compared with that of a plosvie so that friction

is a characteristic second element of the sound

nasal: complete clousure at some point

in the mouth but the soft palate being

lowered the air escapes through the nose,

these sounds are continuants and, in the voiced form

have no nosie component; they are, to this extent, vovel-like, /m,n/

2.    Intermittent clousure

trill/roli: series of rapid intermittient clousures

madę by a flexible organ on a firmer surface, r/w are the

tongue tip trilis against the alveoral ridge as

in Spanish 'perro' or Y where uvula trilis

against back of the tongue as in a

stage pronunciation of French 'rogue'

tap: single tap madę by a flexible organ on a firmer

surface, where tongue tip taps once against the teeth

ridge, as in many Scottish pronunciations of eng. Y

3.    Partial clousure

lateral: a partial (but firm) clousure is madę at some

point in the mouth, the airstream being allowed to

escpae on one or both sides of the contact. These sounds may

be continuant and frictionless and therfore vovel-like, as in, /l,ł/, as

pronunced in Southern British 'little', or they may be a

ccompanied by a little friction as in fling or

by considerable friciton as in 'please'

4.    Narrowing

Fricative: two organs approximate to such an extent that ate airstreams passed betwean them with friciton /f,v,s,z/. In bilabial region, a distinciotn is to be madę betweab purely bilabial such as /Bum/ where friction occurs betwean spread lips, and labia!-velar sounds like 'm' where friction occurs betwean rounded lips and is accompanied by characteristic modification of the mouth cavity brought about by the raising of the back of the toungue tpwards the velum

5.    Narrowing without Friction

narrowing is madę in the mouth but the narrowing is not quite sufficient to cause friction.

In being frictionless and continuant, approximants are vovel-like; however, they function phonologically as consonant, they appear at the edges of syllables.


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