80677 skanuj0023 (178)

80677 skanuj0023 (178)

rteteriorlobe of cerebellum


Visual cortex

Lateral ventride, occipital horn

n. the posterior (occipital) horn of the lateral to a narrow slit. The relatively long calcarine suita* :c:: :=l lobe of the cerebrum, and also appears in ■ę sections. It is surrounded by the striate area nrr&. also called area 17 in the Brodmann brain map, IMfch is best appreciated on the medial surface of Ljifcins occipital sections are not presented in this chap-nothing but cortex and white matter.




Striate area, visual cortex

E Right striate area (visual cortex)

Medial surface of the right hemisphere, viewed from the left side.



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