34209 P1190288

34209 P1190288

IM M«<mii Praybylii

I 11yn ..i ii>r influemr lnun iłmi group u iltcir occurroiuo «l lite cemctcry tal kurir/ B B i«ł»»ple»c» iMnuming ligo Ollier vt?nacl« willi ,,«oulllcril" ft*. urna.


I^n    t.Uiu>ii Ui Ihe Mukllr I >uiiubiuił UrnlleM cullure inny

pwtM bwwi» with (nil run urn) liuciotl collni. l'i'om | aroup I *n-« H may cmmicnilc tłute MHcIt«»( lim! lypc. vill ylli)' III MM



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WNlMI»l"M I*""*'!'    ■

mi    gntve I (I 4>J Klati/, •li«in.

HHb|l 4iHft/.nl.> l#4H; '• ........... •VM**

|flffl IJmlleld cullure, thc diacuiwcd variation of vc##el* i* regarded ihc tumetemiw ol thc iran*ilivo Velaticc-Podoił phusc from noullicrn Moravia oecuni im thc muieriaU of ihc Vńl group. corre*pnnding lo il chronołogi-. irwnnurth-euiłl Trunsdunuhia (Hg. I: 9) (ftłhov#k^ 1966: 470. Palek 1968: !0< 106). Thal lypc of bowls cmi be derivcd froin the older form*, characterictic •■arły tlagc ul thc Middlc Dunubian Umficld cullure (ibidem). gjiiliir objęci, which ia probably conneclcd willi ihe influence* from the .i«4e^Pllf I* ihe bowl from gruvc 15/65 in l)obr/.c6 Wielki (S/alran-S/ad-.. 1970. lig. p< o). Thul vc**cl ha* a belly body and funnel neck wilh Hat i md iwo handle* ul roof of ihc neck. Good analogie* for il may bc pointed n uime *rtelaiii belongmg lo ihc variation of ihc bowl*. which wu* cltarac-ils of the Middli- Dnnubiun Urnlield cullure (Lochncr 1991. 165, e.g Plale I 12:2) llowevcr, u* regard# decoralion* il refer* lo the aimilar form* from

method ofdecomtion (Fig, 5:1 3),ił. IWoof tham medecnrmtd tłriMliofl willi horiiontal groovc*, whcrca* unc of Ihein ha# a tnangle-aee* „iiidk. which ■■ lypical of ihe Vclaltcc cullure. Wilhin thc area of the Młd-

iv«kian group of the Lunntiun cullure (e.g. Vclia£ik 1983. Plale* XXII: 9, XXfM


Imm ihc *bovc rcview of Ihc ve**el* wilh refcrence* co ihc maienal* of thc Middle Dsnuhian Umlicld cullure il appeur* ihat ihc tracę* of il* influence* may i<u!m>t only in Ihc «iic* from Ihc Głubczyce Upland (e.g. Dzierży sław, Hra-wt, Kietrz), which were already mentioned in ihi* contexl earlier. bul al*o in thc "™ bonlcrland of the Sileiiun group (Dobrzeń Wielki) and in central Silesia, 'ilarly ncar Wrocluw (e.g. Sobótka, Wrocław Grabi szyn).

'''' ‘hould uUo (hink iihoul the way of inlcrpreting Ihc phenomenon discusscd li Hepn tiiiil probublc Houlhcrn influence* wcrc not purticularly sirong. łiven Irnitg ihc (nc(, diui ihc rcsourcc ba*c lakcn inio accounl herc was bascd cx-<"> published ninierialN which urc jusl u smali pun of all Silcłinn group uneovcre<I no far we may ncvcrthclc*s dcfmilely Halo, ihnl ai a number of Irom ihc younger period of (lic Hronzc Agc (herc urc no vcsscłs w hich I 'odicaic (hal dircclion of influence* r' I hc scl ofthc lin nis typical ofihc Si-’ '""P * Pollcry in the younger period of Ihc Hronzc Agc ih lo u lorge cxtcnt """"tion ol th,- uyliHiic* clinrncleilslic ofihc* curlicr period. Ihc new Icmlen-« mul dccoraling vonncIh, which uppeured ni linii linie, were morę UDg *he cliange* ohservcd in Ihc wliolc western /one ofihc I usulian * decoralion elcmcnls which may bc perhap* conneclcd willi sotiili-

Mtuigii 11

HPU liii)

*1 la llw eullmcil vni.il limu Wrocław (Hohowicc. incmiimcd by han


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