46950 New Forms Taschen 215

46950 New Forms Taschen 215


Tadao Ando

Boro mOukJ m 1941, Tadao Ando wat seif educated at an architect. largely through hit travelt in the United States. Europę and Afnca(t962-69)

He founded Tadao Ando Architect & Attociatet m Osaka m 1969. He hat re ceived the Alvar Aalto Medal. Finmth Attooation of Architectt (1985); Medaille d'or. French Academy of Architccture (1989); the 1992 Carlsbcrg Pnie; and the 1995 Pnttker Prue. He hat taught at Yale (1987). Columbia (1988). and Harvard (1990) Notable buildmgt mdude: Rokko Houtmg. Kobe (1983-93); Church on the Water. Hokkaido (1988). lapan Pavilion E*po ‘92. Seville. Spam (1992). Forett of Tombt Mutoum. Kumamoto (1992). and theSuntory Muteum. Osaka (1994) Current projeett mdude new houtmg for Kobe. and a large com • pic* on the itland of Awaji


Bernardo Fort Bretoa wat born in Urna. Peruin 1951. B Arch.. Princeton. 1973. M. Arch.. Harrard. 1975 Principal of Arquitectomca tince found-mg m 1977 in Miami Launnda Hope Spcar wat born m Rochetter, MN, m 1950 M Arch. Columbia. 197S. Matter m City Planmng. M I.T. Principal of Arguitectomca with her hutband tmce itt foundmg. Major projeett: Spear Houte. Miami (1976-78); The Pałace, Miami (1979-82); The Atlantit. Miami (1980-82); Mulder Houte. Luna. Peru (1983-8S); Banco dc Crłdito. Luna, Peru (1983-88); North Oade Juttice Center. Miami (1984-87); Center for lnnovative Technology. Herndon, VA (1985-88). and Bangue de Lu«embourg Headguartert. Lutembourg. 1994

Mario Botta

Bom m 1943 m Mendntio. Switrerland, Mano Botta left school at the age of f ifteen to become an apprentice in a Lugano architectural Office. He detigned hit firtt houte the fol łowi ng year. After completmg hit ttudiet m Milan and Venice. Botta worked bnefly m the entourage of Le Corbusier, Louit Kahn and Luigi Snorn He built numer-out prnrate houtet m Cadenarro (1970-71). Rwa San Vitale (1971-73). andLigornetto(1975-76) The M6diathCque m Villeurbanne (1984 -88) and the Cultural Center m Chambłry (1982-87)followed Current projeett mdude the tvry Cathedral (1988-1995). the Tamaro Chapel with the anitł Emo Cucchi m Switrerland. a church m Mogno. and a telecommum-cationt center in Bellinrona

Architecture Studio Created m 1973. Architecture Studio hat ti* prmcipałt: Rodo Titnado.

Maitm Robain, Alain Bretagnolle. RentHenri Arnaud. Jean Franęoit Bonneand Laurent Marc Fischer Their fint major buildmg wat the Inttitut du Monde Arabe (1981-87), detigned with Nosnrel. Soria and L*t4n4t Other tignificant buildmgt mdude the Em bat ty of France m Mutcat. Oman (1987-89); and the Lyc4e du Futur. Jaunay Clan. France (1986-87). and the Umyertity Rettaurant. Ounkergue. France (1991 -93). Current worfc in-cludet the Inttitut national du Judo. Paru. France (1988-96). and above all. the European Parhament mStratbourg. France (1994-97).


Ute Ann Couture wat bom in Montreal in 1959. She received her B. Arch. from Carlton Unhrertity. Canada. and M.

Arch from Yale. She it pretently a Oetign Crmc in the Matter of Architecture program at Partont School of Oetign, New York Hani Rathid re-ceived hit M. Arch degree from the Cranbrook Academy of An, Bloomfield Hillt. Ml He it currently Adjunct Attittant Profettor at the Columbia Uniyertity Graduate School of Architecture. New York. They created Atymptote in 1987. Projeett mdude their 1989 founh place entry for the Aleiandna Ubrary. a committioned houtmg project for Bng. Switrerland, and theu particijiation m the 1993 competition for an an center m Tourt, France (1993)

Will Bruder

Bom in Milwaukee. Witcontm. m 1946. Will Bruder hat a B A. degree in tculp-turę from the Unnrertity of Wrtcontm Milwaukee, and it telf trained at an architect. Heapprenticedunder Paolo Solen and Gunnar Birkertt He ob tamed hit architecture licence m 1974 and created hit own studio the tamę year. He ttudied at the American Academy m Romę for ti* montht m 1987 Hehattaughtandlecturedat SCI-Arc. Yale. Talietin Wett and Georgia Tech. Current projeett mdude Teton County Library. Jackson, WY; Riddell Advertitmg, Jackson. WY; Tempie Kol Ami. Scotttdale. AZ, Deer Vallery Rock Art Center. Phoeni*. AZ. and retidencet m Boston, Colorado, Antona. Canada and Australia, as well at a rettaurant in Manhattan.

Biocraphies 227


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