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Diagnostic approach to otitis extema

Otitis extema is an acute or chronię inflammation of the extemal auditory canal and tympanic membranę ' It is the reason for consultation in 25% of cats presented for a dermatological problem in first opinion practice and in 2% of cats referred to a dermatologist3 6. Long thought of as a local phenomenon, otitis externa should be reclassified in a broader dermatological context, as it is usually just one local manifestation of an underlying dermatosis7. Its pathogenesis involves predisposing factors, primary factors, microbial amplifying factors, and aggravating factors which prevent healing (Table 22 : 1) ‘'3'7'9.

Table 22 : 1: Aetiology of otitis extema

When dealing with otitis externa in the cat, it is essential that all causes of inflammation of the extemal auditory canal are correctly identified and treated7. To achieve this, a thorough diagnostic approach is necessary, not forgetting however, the importance of parasites as a cause of feline otitis extema.


The history directs the clinician towards certain differential diagnoses and is a critical part of the diagnostic process10,1Important points to consider are :

Age of onset ofclinical signs: otoacariasis, caused by Otodectes cynotis, is seen particularly in young cats aged less than a year (Fig. 22 : 1). On the other hand, an erythemato-ceruminous otitis extema in an adult cat is morę suggestive of an allergic dermatitis (Fig. 22 : 2). A purulent otitis in an old cat strongly suggests an auto-immune dermatosis (Fig. 22 : 3) or a tumour of the extemal auditory canal (Fig. 22:4).



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