

reat 40 inch Twins!


big powcrful BSA 40 inch Twin* to choote from. On* i* b*»t for you!

Othcr BSA Favontes

500 Flash Twin Shooting Star Twin Gold Star Road Raeer New 250 Star

Send for free ca ta log


Powerful highwoy cruiser—plenty of snop and *peed for two-irp travel On modern highways—ideał tourer—highly dependable, supremely comfortoble. Scc and try this beautiful chroni® sparkling model before you decide!


Flashing chrome bcauty—super-powerful sport* performance. Americo’i favorite road "rockct" now cguipped with new "Big Volve" high horsepower enginc. Top* in riding thrills— iry il ot your BSA dealer'* now!

See your BSA Dealer soon!

BSA soM through: HAP ALZINA

Weilem DistributOfr

3074 Broadway Oakfand, Calif.


Eastern Faclory Braneh:

639 PassaJc Ave.

Nułley, N.J.


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