cp 28

cp 28

I I    I l S-l <1 i (. A II K I. I’ II I Tlił liMi.li. ił li li i ..

I I    I l S-l <1 i (. A II K I. I’ II I Tlił liMi.li. ił li li i ..

Todaj U Uh Captaln Kodrlitwa

r >t -Tafli wiw trwa-* Ow ftrfccwł. York rat « r M -TW k-ret* emploi**, Jen* kWnuu Unk 7ru«. Co. a 11 |» >t T»*k h»fo**

*»»■• V * * — - - — —1

je J.

Thla |a Correct rnaturę

1— Kcep iha abdoininal oułdM dra»n Ul.

2— Vou can prac tle o correct posturę »hro altttr.s. atandłns ot

■ aiiiina

5- Ba oatural In all rour owna-cnenta.

l-Lrt your ar ma twieg elear of

tb* body.

i—Kurp the bead up but ba com«‘ fortable Do not throw th* ahouł-dera bach unnaturally.

6— Don t wear tight-fltltng or ruo much clothing. Drcaa cot»> fortably and acnaibly.

. ?-Don t be jifraid ofair. Hart your homa and offlre wali voo-Ułated but avold drań*

8—Breathe through tha noe*. P^Spcnd a part of racb day out of doora IP-Walk.

have formytl thamaahrea Into a club nhtch met in the BolIiUn BuiM.ng laat Wedncaday everlng. Thl* i łub ha* clWod itłclf thr ••B«rk.tr»-Na!ure Club ' and piana to hołd hikt* and olher out-of-doerr actinUe* durtag thr Spring and Fummar Tha Bark-to-fCature Club wlH hołd »t* flrat outdoor mceimg neati Sur.day aftrmoop tn the wurahkkon Valley. fnlldwlng their hlhe. arhłch will atart a-om Rłdge ar. and the WU*ahlck«n Valley at 3 X> P. M. lt- wtU be Ird by Captatn Bodrtgntf. Tltare will ba a prclimlnary Irhe n**t Saturday after-noon at 2.30. startłng from City Hall Płaza at which tira* tb« aeeretary of the Back-to-Nature Club. Młaa Kreda Condman. 7122 Elmwood av.. wtU en* roli naw ra*mb*r*

Thm li»v» iw, >’ mii tnw»v* ret# r**«r4inc Hn ia;* *e4 murtarn-*t*en 6> Cancatti IUx*rzuM. Dut ** ■orartea t« »rtia aad thaiUl Mn f*>r łi>*

I_____na >:Mnw ui talldrc l ■ e« at *ur

lAOcbter. t*' i lut TaMOar Wc ara v«ry ffaiatut ta ren.

Hor.Ano nAsr.r. Chałrstan hoachean    lelaaar*

Countj luai Katara BtMTć.


Cspt. Rodrigucs' DcmoaitMlion: Lcad To Fcrmation ol ‘Bjck-To-Kaiure Club'


A growinir    w htkmg and out*

•f-door •.•kłi'* h*e followrd m th# wnke of Capłsin Codfroy Rodripu**' hrałth    hłkr* and correct poature

«!r *r,on *1 rn' łon a.»

Durin* lut f*o mon'.ha of talk* be-for*    acficc!*, athlefJc aa*Oeia-

tiona, drtłl corp*.' ooldiors. mtrltaoi. ytiung peoplra' aooietle*, ete.. he haj a^aarad befor# over łOO OCO peoplc Thr< ich th# medium of the printad and tm* apókea    hi* idtoa of

hraltb. through namral rnetbod*. b»v# arouaed tanim oh t tn *vory comer of thia city and the metropoHtan arta.

lUa idea* of'correct posturo are be-Uif diacufcta'4 m the amoSonf /oom* of cxciuaive cJuh* between the acta at li'** thratrr. m bjrber aHop*. łn the arhohf roomr. on the college cwnpua. In cynmaaiun^-iii fact. whererer men and w,men gathrr.

That fce hfta Uccome a famłllar figurę to nenrly ereryone łn thia city U *vtdcar*d by tb* attention glven hlm #1 .V appe*ra on the firtel* Aa he atrldct alnnff men w omen ad ehnlldren gazc aftar blat and raił hlm binarne Ha la frequ#nUy atopped by men and n omen to contrę tuła ta hlm on the r«:rraaa of hia carnpairn her*

Iho moat freonem ^ueatioo a*k#4 hlm la: "How do you pronounce your ceme^*

The name ia pronounced *'Ko#d*drt-guea*" arlih an acccDł on th* flrat ayllaide Althnu&h h* ia • Holland*#. #r<d a former eipłain of the Dutcn army. hia hnanlah nitmn datea frorn »h« •-omlng c»f the Duke of Alva. ot whkrh tupc thr Capiain a ancralora aetrjcd pefmanently in Holland.

A rei trał of hiking ii evidenced on aM atdra. The rrowda that have fołłoer* od Captain Kodrtcno*' Health hłkea

U t Ud thal IM rnaiter watr t« MMn n a na >•»» h eanaat Iw ta* WrenKir enraafata Hu •rentd laik «rvl rt»»rn»iratiea ol    to*turc raMrt h«p

aut ba ot mairrtal *«*ietan'« to tjw jirta utxt.\rr k. wtliAK tor ato*«*t AittdUaa.    1

wnua r*c5 in*bS<beoi i*r ouu.

r. hutk yeu r*ort» tor aaadfna r*i>t»ia tu*a<łau«» «^*1» ttua ałtereooo. Wt 4ił ti<nrMtabty *a>or»< atti, aad 1 %« wry • ar* tt>at h* k»« a. -•* a trrawodew areetaU r*oa. Tnt aetwot u m a Mt*hto^tyxa •NftiRf rA.»4*rr ha*« f»» orwirtunitlr* »er

mr»«IWM Of.il »*;M!Tifrt!Tr»»fl(. tiUMI t*»»h

te.-«« r'o-- t«d %» tfu itlKMl a«4 m* CaMata’a talk »a«    vaiv»» * io

*laSii i***J aad ebtttran }jib u . nwrrra Ljłwrns. pnnciaat. Mary CH»nr,*rin« m*ta* PuUłc acliot.


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