cp 50

cp 50

of through thc practice of all kinds of unnatural methods. Few of thcm rcally start this bard labor. These are the oncs scen in gymnasiums—or at borne dancing to thc musie of victrolas—playing "reducing rccords." Thcir minds arc so set upon becoming rcal Dianas and Apollos that. in thcir imagination. they fce! better than cvcr bcforc by indulging in thosc cxerciscs, but in rcality they arc thc only oncs who can sec any change for thc better in their physiques. especially as far as thcir fat bclly is concerncd. There is a chancc that. aside from rcceiving no benefit from their various methods. the majority of this typc will get still hcavicr. Thosc in Class C who do not indulge in thc unnatural cxcrcisc farc much better. for they arc still in possession of thc cnergy which thc others surcly will havc lost. as it takes cnergy to indulge in many of these unnatural methods.

Ncxt we have the heavy typc (Class D). These. like many others. are always trying and doing cveryihing but the proper thing. The author belongs to the heavy type in Class D. and naturally bclicves that he knows and understands this type best. Whcrcas the individual in Class C may not directly harm himsclf by going through torturous movcments. thc men and women in this class (Class D) should never attempt any scvcrc cxcrcise of any kind, outside of natural movements. lest they be punished by naturę. For thosc in Class D over thirty years of agc. thcrc is only one way to longevity. and that is—by going slow. This class has no casy job in attain-ing correct posturę, but it is thc only way to hcalth and physical perfcction. Pcrsons in Class D most often werc thin when young. but during a certain period of thcir lives. they started to deeelop fast. If correct posturę would have been known to thcm before the change came. they would have had


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