2?v Glcndola Hodges



GAUGE. Rnds 1-3 = ca. I 1/2” in diameter. For mat about 13 1/2" in diameter. use pearl crochet cotton no. 5 and Steel crochet hook US size 7.

TO MAKU: Beg at center, ch 13 and join to form ring. RND I : Ch 1. in ring work 24 sc ; closc with sl st in first sc. RND 2 : Ch I. beg in same st as sl st work (I sc. 5 ch. sk 1 st) 12 limes; last 3 ch sts = 1 dc in first sc. RND 3 : Work (5 ch. 1 sc in next ch lp) around; last ch-5 lp - 2 ch + I dc in closing dc below. RND 4: Work (7 ch. 1 sc in next ch lp) around ; last sc = 1 sl st in closing dc below. RND 5: Ch I, in each ch lp around work I sc. 2 hdc. 3 dc. 2 hdc and I sc; as

of this rnd, close all rnds with sl st: in top of ch-3 (= first dc), in top of first cluster <cl> or in first sc. RNDS 6-12: Work following diagram. RND 13: ** I dc in dc below. work (6 ch. 3-tr cl in first st of ch-6) lwice.

I ch. rep from ** around. RND 14; I sl st in each of next 6 ch sts on md 13, work ** I sl st in sp bet 2 petals, (6 ch. 3-dc cl in first st of

ch-6) twice, rountl. RND sl st on rnd ch). 7 ch.

rep from ** a-

15 : * 4-tr cl in 14 (first tr = 4 sc bet next 2 petals. 7 ch. rep from * a-round. RND 16 : Ch I, in each ch-7 lp around work 4 sc, 3 ch and 4 sc; close with sl st in first sc. Fasten olT.

SIZE: 9 1/4” in diameter.

MATERIALS Crochet cotton no. 20, white, about 870 yds. Steel crochet hook US size 9 or SIZE FOR GAUGE.

® 3-tr cluster <ct> : leaving last lp of each st on hook. work 3 tr as shown. yo and draw thru all 4 Ips on hook. Use same cluster principle for 4-tr cl.

By Mayu mi Salo


f, A f \

SIZE: 16 x 26 1/4 inches.

MATERIALS: Loosely twisted cotton recommended for Steel crochet hook US size 2, about 110 grams or 4 ounces. Steel crochet hook US size 2 or SIZE FOR GAUGE.

GAUGE: 3 shell rows are 1” high. To obtain mat measuring ca. 10 1/4 x 16 1/2 ins, use pearl crochet cotton no. 8 and Steel hook US size 11.


CESTER SECTION: Beg at center of oval, ch 97. RND 1 : Ch 3 (= first dc), work 11 dc in 4th st from hook, 1 ch. sk 2 sts. I sc in next st.*** work **5 ch, sk 4 sts. I sc in next st** 3 times, 1 ch, sk 4 sts, 8 dc in next st, 1 ch, sk 4 sts. I sc in next st***, rep lwice morę front *** to ***, work 3 times from ** to **. conl with 1 ch. 12 dc in last st of beg ch, 1 ch, then cont across other side of beg ch to corresp. end with I sc and I ch ; close with sl st in top of ch-3. RND 2 : Ch 6, work (I dc in next st, 3 ch) 10 times. I dc in next st, 1 ch,

I sc in next ch-5 lp, work ** (5 ch. 1 sc in next ch lp) twice. 1 ch. I dc in each of 8 dc, I ch, 1 sc in next ch-5 lp**. rep from ** to ** twice morę, conl with 2 ch-5 Ips, I ch. 12 dc with 3 ch bet each,

I ch, 1 sc in next ch lp, then work across 2nd side to corresp, end with 2 ch-5 Ips,

I ch; close same as on rnd I, cont with I sl st in first mcsh. RND 3 : 3-dc cluster <cl> in first mesh. work (5 ch, 3-dc cl in next mesh) 10 times, 1 ch. I sc in next ch lp, **5 ch, I sc in next ch



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