Crochet 23

Crochet 23


An heirloom design to crochet in thread

by Carolyn Christmas

Section J Complete

Section 2 Complete

This elegant crocheied cross is evocative of traditional Celtic knots and Celtic-style tatting. Bands of rings are created in layers and slipped through each other to create the woven-look bars. The center of the cross is graced with a traditional Irish rosę with a fuli five sets of petals. The outer two sets of petals echo the picots found in the edging. This pattem contains several options for picots, joinings, thread size, hook size and color so you can choose your favorites and create a cross that is uniąuely yours.


Madę with size 20 thread and size 10 hook, cross is.about 5 W x 8 VS". Madę with size 10 thread and size 8 hook, cross is about 6” x 9 V£M.


For smali cross: White size 20 crochet cotton and size 10 crochet hook

For larger cross: Size 10 crochet cotton in white, pink and pale green, and size 8 crochet hook

Spray starch and steam iron

Special Stitches

Thread picot: Rings are madę with a special stitch 1 cali “thread picot.” To make this picot, enlarge lp slightly by pushing hook further into lp to widen it on shank of hook, then remove hook from lp w'hile slightly relaxing tension on thread with left hand. Insert hook from top under 1 thread at top of sc just madę, yo and puli through, lp on hook becomes your working thread and thread picot remains free.

Other projects may reąuire long thread picots; in this case lp could be pulled up as long as desired. For this project 1 found that enlarging the lp only slightly to create a very dainty picot worked best.

Joining thread picot: Remove hook from lp, insert hook in corresponding picot on previous ring or bar, puli lp through.

Traditional picot: For rosę and edging,

I used morę traditional crochet picots because even though I loved the look of the delicate thread picots, I found they slanted in one direction when not joined to another picot. To make picot, ch 3, insert hook from top through top front lp and left front lp of sc just madę, yo, puli lp through all lps on hook.

Joining picot: Ch 1, remove hook from lp, insert hook into corresponding picot, puli lp through, ch 1, complete picot as above.


To make pink, white and green cross, make first layer with white, rosę with pink, smali motifs with green and edging with w^hite.

As an option, the cross is eąually beautiful madę with all traditional picots and no thread picots. To make your cross with this option, just substitute traditional picots and joining picots everywhere instructions cali for thread picots and joining thread picots.


Cross First Layer

Section 1: Ch 15, join with sl st in 1“ ch to form ring, ch 1, (5 sc in ring, thread picot) 3 times, 5 sc in ring, join with sl st in lst sc, * ch 23, join with sl st in 15* ch from hook to form ring, ch 1, do not turn, 5 sc in ring, joining thread picot to 3"picot on previous ring, (5 sc in ring, thread picot) 2 times, 5 sc in ring; to join, insert hook in 1M sc in ring and also though last ch before ring, yo and puli lp through. (joining in this manner connects ring to chain in a way that makes the joining as fiat as possible, and smoother. 1 prefer this method. However, if you want to experiment with a little morę 3-D effect, simply join with sl st in Tł sc in ring, then proceed).

Repeat from * until you have completed 6 rings. Then work *(5 sc, thread picot, 5 sc) in next ch-8 sp; repeat from * across. Join with sl st in T' sc of T‘ ring.

Section 2: Work same as Section 1 for 6 rings as before. To join Section 2 to Secńon 1, work *(5 sc, jcining thread picot joining to corresponding thread picot on Section 1, 5 sc) in next ch-8 sp; repeat from * across. Join with sl st in 1M sc of l ring.

Section 3: Work same as Section J.

Section 4: Work same as Section 2, joining Section 4 to Section 3 as shown, and at the same titne, working joining thread picots to join 2:Kl picots of 3* and 4* rings to end picots of end rings on Sections 1 and 2 (see a and h).

2 Celtic Cross


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