


Constant j>rartice is tlie only \vav in which one may succeed in raising a heaty weight in this ]iosition. lt will, no doubt, be useful to read below how the lift is performed, bnt it will be no use to expect an immediate increase in your present lift simply by rcading my instruetions as to tliis position. PRACTICE is the great tliing, all the time «ttdeavoring to fintl a position which will suit yourself. I will descrihe the bar beli lift, as in a bar beli morę may be raised tltan in any other way. The beli may be raised willi iwo ltands to tlie shouhler las described in the preceding chapter), or it may be raised to the shouhler witli a rlean puli in. although, of coursc. when one reaches a very heaw weight. it is iutjx)ssible to get it to the shouhler except by using two hands. If anything liku a heav\ weight is to be raised, then it is imperative that the center be acenralely nwrked. so tliat you will not bace to moce the weight abont while it is held at your shouhler. as this is certain to exhaust your strength and spoił the lift. llaeing gotten the beli to tlie shouhler with the elbow firnily placed on the hip, the tirsl tliing to do is to get the fect in the proper position. As may be stipposed. when one is pressing. say, 200 pounds. it is not easy to sliift the leet abotil without destroy-ing the balance, and causing the weight to fali. Therefore, get your teet placed in the correct position before ton commence to press. Another point I w ill mention herc is that the cyes ninst not, at any portion of the lift, be taken olT tlie weight. Holding the beli at the shouhler. fali away from same. hut do not allow" the elbow to moce from oflf tlie hip until eonipelled to do so, as you can support far morę in this position. without tiring the muscles, than you cotthl if you allow ed the weight to lali on muscles alone. w ithout supportitig same rather by bonę strength than muscle strength. In allowing the body to fali forward, the



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