True20 Lands of Nevermore The Wyrd Land of Lore

Author: Joseph Miller
Artists: David Esbri and Scott Purdy
Editor: Suzi Yee
Design and Layout: Suzi Yee
Produced under license from Green Ronin Publishing, LLC
True20 Adventure Roleplaying and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC
The illustration on pages 8 is copyright 2006 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Open Game Content and Product Identity Statement
All game statistics derived from the SRD are deemed open content. All names, stories, and visual representations
are Product Identity.
Table of Contents
History of Nevermore: Part II...............................4 Lucky Aspect (Dreamer) ........................15
The Two Wanderers ........................................4 Prodigious Aspect (Dreamer) .................15
The Field of Flowers.......................................4 Wild Aspects (Dreamer) .........................15
Realms of Night and Day ...............................4 Wild Aspect Surge (Dreamers)...............16
The Betrayal....................................................5 Wyrd Aspect (Dreamer) .........................16
The Wyrd ..............................................................5 New Paths .....................................................16
History ............................................................5 Weavers of the Wyrd ..............................16
Inhabitants ......................................................6 Wordsmiths of Poesi...............................19
Geography ......................................................6 New Feats .....................................................19
The Free Camp .........................................6 Adept Insight (General) ..........................19
Idavoll.......................................................7 Dreamer Insight (General)......................19
Isle of Poesis.............................................7 Dream Resistance (General)...................19
Oz .............................................................8 Favored Audience (Expert) ....................19
Wending Refuge .......................................9 Harmonized Voice (Expert)....................20
Wonderland...............................................9 Resistance to Dreams (General) .............20
Organizations................................................10 Wild Powers (Adept) ..............................20
Dread Hunters.........................................10 Wild Skills (General) .............................20
Free Riders .............................................10 Wild Weaver (Dreamer) .........................20
Weavers of the Wyrd .............................. 11 Words of Crafting (Dreamer) .................20
Wordsmiths of Poesi............................... 11 Flora and Fauna ............................................20
Adventuring In the Wyrd ....................................12 Airavata ..................................................21
Adventure Hooks ..........................................12 Cait Sith..................................................21
New Rules...........................................................13 Dream Berry ...........................................22
New Aspects .................................................13 Mana Trees .............................................22
Aspect Duplication (Dreamer)................13 Mesmerose..............................................22
Aspect Memory (Dreamer).....................13 Prophet Poppies......................................22
Dowser Aspect (Dreamer) ......................14 Weave Root ...........................................22
Draconic Aspect, Mental (Dreamer) ......14 Wise Hazels ............................................22
Draconic Aspect, Physical (Dreamer) ....14 Open Game License Version 1.0a.......................23
Improved Aspect Memory (Dreamer) ....15
The Wyrd
Land of Lore
O ever-changing lands,
Where the mortals face unknown,
The ever-shifting sands,
Of a visage not your own.
Who sees beyond your guise
When the cycles strike their toll?
I see your lovely eyes
And recall your wondrous soul.
But love, you fade away
Just as swift as you appeared,
Beneath the wild display
Of the ever-changing Wyrd.
-Prince Poesi
The Wyrd
Welcome to the Wyrd, an ever-changing land where fey that drowned at the beginning of the Forgotten Age
anything and everything can appear or disappear with still haunt the landscape seeking revenge upon all who
the turning of a cycle or an active imagination. It is a are unfortunate enough to cross their path. In addition
place filled with the stuff that dreams are made of and to these vengeful spirits, the domain of the Wyrd has
populated by a cast of characters both familiar and the more subtle peril of seduction. This land tempts
unknown. It is a domain where illusion and reality meld mortals to spend their lives fulfilling their every wish
together in a surreal existence, where the fantastic and and many have lost themselves within the Wyrd for
impossible are not only possible but prevalent. Every years, decades, and even centuries before returning
story ever told by mortals since the time of the flood has to the Mortal World, while some are never seen again.
been born here and every invention has been designed Wonder and enchantment populate this surreal domain
within the visions of this place. It is a marvel to behold, and fill it with unpredictable opportunities and dangers
but it is a dangerous place. The spirits of the Unseelie of fantastic adventure.
History of Nevermore: Part II
As the bewitching fogs of the Forgotten Age retreated the an eye and she showed it to Mahr. However, no matter
ever-changing Wyrd emerged. This newborn land split how much they tried to change it back into a gem they
the Heartlands in two and was populated by mortals could not do so, nor could they change it into anything
some of whom had become powerful dreamlords during else. Nyxis and Mahr studied and experimented with the
the dreamland s long slumber. Soon after the murky substance for a year and watched the flowers produce
mists of forgetfulness faded from the world the mortal their blooms during Cadence. They called the substance
dreamlords began to found realms within the wild and  neverite because after it was changed it could never
whimsical Wyrd. They shaped these spheres of influence be altered again. They both made a pact to share the
in their own image and according to their deepest neverite field and return each Cadence to gather the
psyche, but they did not have complete control over their neverite blooms into an equal share. After this they
realms, which would alter to reflect their emotions and parted from one another to found their own realms, but
passions. For a short time, these nascent lands lived in unlike the realms of the other dreamlords their realms
peace, but as fate would have it two mortals were about would stand forever, unchanged, a monument to their
to make a discovery that would reforge the dreamlands mastery over the dreamlands.
in a crucible of conflict.
Realms of Night and Day
The Two Wanderers Nyxis created the realm of Nyxia, a realm of frozen
The catalyst of this change was discovered by two beauty. She surrounded her realm with seven walls of ice
mortals named Nyxis and Mahr, who wandered the each rising a little higher than the last until they reached
Wyrd in their youth as friends. Their experiences the courtyard of the Frozen Keep. Nyxis shaped the sky
of the unfettered lands taught them how to become as well creating a midnight sky with a full moon and
unparalleled dream weavers shaping the world around stars as the only light. She had always seen the world
them as they traveled the dreamlands together. They in black and white, good and evil, truth and lies, and so
were powerful enough to found their own realms as her realm reflected this inner character. Never did the
other dreamlords had done before them, but there was sun shine here, though the icy walls glowed in the soft
something in the unfettered lands they felt drawn to and moonlight contrasting with the dark skies above.
like dowsing rods they drifted ever closer to it until one In contrast, Mahr created a sun-drenched desert
day they came across the field of rainbow-hued flowers realm filled with magic and wonders, called Maghreb.
that would change everything. Within this realm he created the City of Brass
surrounded by impregnable walls molded as if from
cast iron. Two towers of brass, like twin fires, rose above
The Field of Flowers
the city brilliant and blinding. There were twenty five
Never in all their travels had they seen such a sight and
gates leading into the city, but none of them visible
their every attempt to dream weave in the area failed.
from without. It held within its mighty walls a series
It was as if this small field was completely untouched
of mansions and palaces with rainbow-hued domes
by the surreal lands surrounding it. They experimented
gleaming gloriously in the golden sky. Streams flowed
with the flowers and the gems they produced, but
throughout the city with glowing flowers and fruits
nothing worked, until finally Nyxis took a gem out of
lining their banks. It was a realm of solitary beauty
the field and tried dream weaving it into a crown. The
where Mahr pondered the world in peace.
gem transformed into a crystal crown within the blink of
The Wyrd
For many years the two dreamlords met within the  We promised to split the neverite equally, but here
field of flowers during each Cadence and shared the I find you harvesting the field without me.
neverite equally between them. This may have continued Mahr said,  I might accuse you of this misdeed since
for many years, but as their powers grew they attracted you were here before me.
the attention of Lilith who crafted a plan with Queen  How dare you say such a thing! I trusted you, but
Mab to bring ruin upon the two dreamlords, steal the now I see you are a viper and a thief! You have let the
neverite for the Unseelie fey, and cause a war between blaze of your towers blind you! Now give me what is
the race of mortals. rightfully mine and we shall depart, but not as friends.
 How can I give you something I do not have?
 If you will not give it, then I will take it from you,
The Betrayal
said Nyxis as she lunged towards Mahr. They collapsed
The first part of Lilith s plan required each of the
upon the ground and Nyxis grabbed one of the neverite
dreamlords to be delayed in arriving in the field during
blooms and plunged it into his heart. As the light of his
Cadence and Queen Mab dispatched a pack of monstrous
life bled into the field, he cursed Nyxis,  My blood cries
creatures to delay them as long as possible. Meanwhile,
out for vengeance!
Mab and her minions found the field, picked all of its
Then the raven called out to Mahr and said,  Give
neverite, except for a single patch of three neverite
your soul to me and I shall give you two children who
blossoms, and then fled back to the Northern Heartlands.
will avenge you.
Nyxis was the first to arrive in the field and was horrified
With his last breath Mahr answered,  So be it!
by the sight. She searched the field until she found the
Nyxis dropped the crimson gem to the ground
lone blossoms and asked,  Who has done this?
and fled into the Wyrd, while tendrils of Mahr s blood
From a nearby tree the raven said,  A man came and
mingled with the roots of the two unpicked blossoms. The
picked all the flowers till there was only a few left.
two flowers burst open and unleashed the shadowy forms
Nyxis said,  And who was this man?
of his newborn children, Sirena and Diabolus. Nevermore
 I do not know, but here he comes again, perhaps to
shuddered as his curse produced its frightful fruits and in
pick the last of the flowers.
time Mahr s children grew in power and influence until
Mahr appeared in the field and was astonished
they were ready for a terrible harvest of their own.
by the sight. He came to Nyxis and said,  What has
happened here?
The Wyrd
The unpredictable and bizarre landscapes of the Wyrd shaped them to their will. During these short years
reside in the southern regions of the dreamlands. of peace, four figures rose to power within the Wyrd:
Its northern borders touch upon the domains of the Doxus, Helena, Mahr, and Nyxis. Doxus and Helena
Heartlands and the Hedge, while its southern limits are were influential dreamlords in the southern Wyrd
unknown. Some believe if one travels far enough south, where most of the mortals lived, while Mahr and Nyxis
one will see the Waters of Forgetfulness that surround wandered the more sparsely populated and dangerous
Nevermore and perhaps even find a way to the Mortal north in search of the secrets of the dreamlands. The
World. Be that as it may, exploring the ever-changing realms of Doxus and Helena became pools of relative
Wyrd is extremely difficult to do without becoming calm in the stormy seas of the ever-changing Wyrd, but
lost and confused. Those who wander these lands can these bastions of peace were unprepared for the Age of
spend a lifetime traveling in circles and never know Strife that followed Mahr s murder.
the difference because every cycle brings a radical and Within a generation after his death, the Wyrd was
fantastic shift in the heavens, landscape, and even the engulfed in war. The realms of Doxus and Helena fell
denizens of this domain. One of the few reliable means during the terrible conflict. Doxus s celestial realm
of traversing the Wyrd is to employ the use of a dowser, a of Empyrean fell from the skies under the assault of
mortal or fey with a knack for sensing people, places, or Diabolus s minions, while the lights of Elysium were
things within the dreamlands. Without a dowser it can extinguished by a terrible tide of nightmares pouring out
be very dangerous to cross the unfettered lands of the of the Dreadlands. So many dreamlords were wiped out
Wyrd or find the realms of dreamlords therein. by the war between Nyxis and the children of Mahr that
much of the Wyrd reverted to unfettered lands. Only the
ruins of these lands remain, but even these fade away
with the turning of the cycles.
When the mists of the Forgotten Age dissipated, they
After Menhalig s sacrifice and Mergia s tears, the
revealed the newborn domain of the Wyrd. Mortal
Age of Strife came to a close and a new Age of Serenity
dreamlords held sway over these fledgling lands and
began for a much changed world. This new era brought
The Wyrd
with it the formation of the Eye and the Hedge, which Dreamborn mortals can be found throughout the
cut the southern Wyrd off from its corrupted neighbor dreamlands of this domain. Though mortals used to
to the north, the Dreadlands. It has taken many years have realms strewn throughout the Wyrd, most of these
for the mortals to recover from the years of terror that were destroyed during the Age of Strife and as such most
beset them, but now there are new dreamlords rising mortals live in the newly founded and more vulnerable
through the ranks forging new realms in the Wyrd and realms within the Wyrd or have left the Wyrd entirely in
elsewhere. Only time will tell if these nascent realms will favor of safer lands.
survive and what stories will be told about them. The fey within the Wyrd are mostly of Seelie and
Glaseelie origin, though some Unseelie make their home
here. Though they are still apprehensive of mortals,
most fey have learned to live along side them and even
The Wyrd was once a stronghold of the mortals.
collaborate with them. In fact, the three most influential
However, since the end of the Age of Strife more fey
realms within the Wyrd are currently controlled by fey
have immigrated here, while the mortals have sought
dreamlords with many mortals choosing to reside in
the refuge of the more predictable domains of the Hedge
these realms of refuge.
and the Eye. For centuries without counting, the mortals
shaped this domain and its history. Much of the sorrow
and woe affecting Nevermore stems from the misdeeds
of the mortals who ruled within the Wyrd and so many
The landscapes of the Wyrd vary greatly from turning
mortals and fey are wary of those who choose to live
to turning with the only oases of relative calm being the
within this ever-changing land.
realms, which mortals and fey have created here with
Still those mortals and fey who do live here are
the advent of the Age of Serenity. What is a range of
acknowledged as the most imaginative and adaptable
mountains in one cycle could just as easily be a valley
of all the inhabitants of the dreamlands. It is believed
the next, and so it is difficult to provide much in the way
their constant exposure to the wonders of the Wyrd
of detail as to what one will experience at any given time
grants them a unique insight into the inner workings of
or place. The unfettered lands are a bizarre admixture
the dreamlands. As a result, they are perhaps the most
of the ordinary and the surreal. An emerald field of
aware of the promises and perils of dream weaving and
beautiful flowers can rest in the shadow of a topsy-turvy
altering themselves or their surroundings.
tower, which stretches, twists, and melds around itself
until its very description as a tower comes into question.
Not even the realms are immune to the ever-changing
realities of the Wyrd, though at least the will of their
dreamlords bring some stability.
The flora and fauna of the Wyrd comes in all shapes,
forms, and sizes. If it has entered the imagination of a
mortal, then it can reasonable be said to have roamed
the Wyrd at one time or another. It is as if the Wyrd
is somehow connected to the dreams of mortals,
especially their wildest ones, and gives them flesh and
bone. These dreamlands flourish with exotic plants
from breathtaking dream fruit trees to the captivating
colors of the mesmerose. They also teem with a throng
of marvelous creatures from the elusive an enigmatic
sphinx to the cunning and majestic race of dragons.
The Free Camp
This encampment of hide-covered tents surrounds
the dreamlord Gwynudd and is populated by Glaseelie
fey. Its inhabitants are spirited and fierce, with a love
of battle and passion for revelry. The first hours of
the cycle are spent raiding into the Dreadlands, while
the final hours are spent feasting and drinking beside
enormous bonfires. The Free Camp is made up of two
distinct, though intricately linked, areas of the realm.
The Warrior s Ring is centered upon Gwynudd and
follows him wherever he rides. The Free Riders who
The Wyrd
make up the dreamlord s war band frequently raid the their collective will to create a vast realm in which to
Dreadlands to test their metal against nightmares and live. Unfortunately, Yggdrasil fell into ruin during the
other agents of evil. It is upon these excursions that Age of Strife when a number of the dreamlords, lead
Gwynudd and his warriors gain glorious tales to recount by Loki, attempted to overthrow Odin and claim the
before the bonfires of the Ward s Ring. This second realm for their own. What exactly happened during this
segment of the realm resides within the Wyrd along rebellion can only be guessed at, but in the end Odin,
with the wives and children of those who have become Loki, and many of their followers were destroyed and
Free Riders. Upon Gwynudd s command both rings can the greater realm of Yggdrasil was engulfed in flame.
reunite to form the Free Camp with warriors and their The only part of the realm to survive this holocaust was
wards mingling together for a short time for rest and Idavoll, though the sons of Odin and Thor also survived
reverie. During Cadence, Bhlendhl and Gwynudd unite and began to rebuild their fallen halls in hope that one
their realms into one. The following triad is known as day Yggdrasil will rise into the heavens again. The city of
the Festival of Unity and is a time of feasting for all of Gimli, which is said to be brighter than the sun and more
the inhabitants of both realms. The warriors recount beautiful, stands as a monument to their fallen friends
their tall tales by the bonfires, while wives share their and family. It is also a stark reminder of the price men
gossip and children their games. It is also a period of and fey must pay when they let envy eat away at the
preparation from the next year and a great council is roots of fellowship.
held to discuss strategies and share ideas. In the final Dreamlord: Balder, the Reborn Lord, was
moments of the last cycle of Cadence, Bhlendhl and murdered at the very beginning of Ragnarok but was
Gwynudd clasp hands and speak the words of promise reborn after the Tears of Mergia touched his ashes. Since
to reunite during the next Cadence. then he has been a follower of Faehalig and Menhalig
Dreamlord: Gwynudd, the Untamed Chieftain, is and has converted the sons of Odin and Thor (Vidar, Vili,
the strong-willed and animated leader of the Free Camp. Modi, and Magni) to the newborn faith. Though Balder
He spends most of his time within the Dreadlands, even is the chief dreamlord of the realm of Idavoll he prefers
though his realm is considered a part of the Wyrd. His to let the sons of Odin and Thor set the agenda and only
Free Riders are the most feared cavalry in the dreamlands, votes in order to break ties. Still his council is rarely
and their excursions into the Dreadlands are legendary. rejected by the other dreamlords. The new dreamlords of
Inhabitants: The Free Camp is populated by Idavoll have spent much of the Age of Serenity within the
fierce and loyal Glaseelie fey who cast aside their oaths Brimir Hall where they eat, drink, and discuss how best
to Mab after the Age of Strife. The Warrior s Ring to restore their realm s former glory. Unfortunately, not
fosters an ardent loyalty and fierce courage within the all of Loki s rebels were destroyed during Ragnarok and
Free Camp s warriors and sharpens their martial skills though they currently have no foothold within Idavoll,
through its constant struggles against the Dreadland s Balder is convinced that they are regaining their strength,
nightmares. On the other hand, the Ward s Ring seeking new allies, and plotting their bloody return.
encourages communal responsibility and the nurturing Inhabitants: Idavoll s inhabitants are valiant and
of the young. When the Free Camp is united, these two righteous folk who live simple lives. Their ancestors
aspects fuse and form a people united in their fervor for were once fearful warriors, but since the end of the Age
the freedoms they enjoy. of Strife they have sought out the promise of the Age of
Aura: During Cadence, Bhlendhl and Gwynudd Serenity. Still they keep their weapons sharp for those
can unite their realms into one. This combined realm days when the Ragnarok will return.
comes under the effects of Heart Shaping (friendship Aura: The plain of Idavoll is warded against
and hope) for the duration of Cadence. nightmares and Unseelie fey and anyone within the realm
The Warrior s Ring is treated as if it was in the Wyrd. comes under the effects of the Suggestion (friendship)
The Ward s Ring is warded against nightmares. As a full- power. While within the Brimir Hall characters gain a
round action, Gwynudd may return the Warrior s ring +2 bonus to all social interaction skills.
to the Ward s ring. When this is done, both rings unite
into the Free Camp where both warriors and their wards
Isle of Poesis
(wives, children, etc.) mingle together for a time of rest
This fantastic isle floats above the land cloaked in
and revelry. Those within the Warrior s Ring gain a +5
an array of colorful clouds and populated by even
bonus to Ride checks, while those in the Ward s Ring
more colorful inhabitants. Crowning the island is the
gain a +3 bonus to Medicine checks.
sprawling City of Poesis with its bizarre, but beautiful
buildings and labyrinthine alleyways filled to the brim
Idavoll with entertaining and enterprising people. The city itself
This majestic plain is all that is left of the greater realm seems designed to unleash its inhabitant s imaginations
of Yggdrasil. Long ago, this realm was ruled by Odin so they can more readily explore the extraordinary
and an alliance of mortal and fey dreamlords who used heights of their fancy. The island is awash in astounding
The Wyrd
he has found a new purpose in life, the protection of
Nevermore s inhabitants from those who seek their
ruin. To this end, he founded the Wordsmiths to be his
eyes and ears within the world, while he worked to bring
hope once again into the hearts of mortals and fey. Thus
far, in this Age of Serenity, he has succeeded in doing so,
but he senses the future holds dark tales for dark times.
Inhabitants: Life upon the Isle of Poesis is
spontaneous and good-humored, and rarely does a cycle
go by without something wondrous happening. As such,
the inhabitants of the island have become extraordinarily
imaginative and adaptable in all that they do. The
citizens of the Isle of Poesis are also exceedingly witty
in their usage of the spoken and written word for which
they are renowned throughout Nevermore.
Aura: The Isle of Poesi is warded against nightmares.
In addition, those on the isle of Poesi come under the
effects of Heart Shaping (hope) and gain a +2 bonus to
Acrobatics and Perform checks (+4 in the Poet s Palace).
The wonderful realm of Oz is surrounded by a nearly
impassible desert. Its dunes disintegrate anyone who
treads upon its shifting sands making Oz a very difficult
place to get to and one of the more isolated areas of the
Wyrd. Oz itself is rectangular in shape and broken into
four countries: Gillikin Country in the North, Munchkin
sights from the rainbow colored domes and esoteric
Country in the East, Quadling Country in the South,
design of the Poet s Palace to the fabled Fountain of
and Winkie Country in the West. Gillikin Country is the
the Forgotten, which allows those who gaze into it to
home of the Gayelette, the Good Witch of the North,
remember forgotten things. It is said that Poesi spends
and is renowned for the color purple, which seems to be
much of his time near the fountain remembering his
worn by almost all of its inhabitants and tints everything
wife and writing his many manuscripts, which he sends
here from the trees to the spiders in the trees. Munchkin
to the Library of Lore where they are placed upon
Country is most famous for its yellow-brick road, but is
spiraling shelves alongside ancient tomes and newly
more closely associated with the color blue, which all
minted manuscripts. Finally, in the center of the Isle
Munchkins, who are not short by the way, are required
of Poesis rises the grandiose Theatre of the Wyrd, the
to wear when out of doors in order to better match the
setting for Poesi s annual Tournament of Words and
bluish hue of their surroundings. Quadling Country is
the stage for Poesi s parade of plays. As perhaps can
protected by Glinda, the Good Witch of the South and
be gleaned from its architecture, life upon the Isle of
as with the other countries it is distinguished by its
Poesis is spontaneous and good-humored in nature and
affinity to the color red. Winkie Country is ruled by the
rarely does a cycle go by without something wondrous
Tin Woodsman and its inhabitants and landscape are
happening. Performers of all types ply their trade here,
accessorized by the color yellow. Last, but certainly not
and even the very buildings and objects within them
least, the legendary Emerald City rises in the center of
participate in the merrymaking. The isle is alive with
Oz and is as one might guess, completely green from its
sights both spectacular and outlandish, sounds of
green glass towers to its emerald-clothed citizens.
laughter and song, smells of flowers and honeyed cakes,
Dreamlord: Ozma, the Emerald Queen, is the
tastes of sugar and spice, and the tender touches of love.
beloved ruler of Oz. She is known to be just and fair to
Dreamlord: Poesi, the Poet Prince, is a benevolent,
her citizens who trust her completely. She has not always
if sometimes melancholy, ruler. Since the Forgotten Age,
been the ruler of this land, but she has proved herself
he has searched blindly for his long lost wife, Nialla, but
time and again since taking the throne and has recruited
to no avail. He retreated from the world during the Age
a number of minor dreamlords to help her protect the
of Strife seeking to restore the tattered memories of his
realm from those within and without who would bring
former life. It was not until the Blood of Menhalig and
ruin to Oz and its inhabitants. These minor dreamlords
tears of Mergia washed away the scales of despair from
include the wise and just Gayelette, the inventive and
his eyes that he began to see the plight of the mortals
powerful sorceress Glinda, the kind and tireless Tin
he had brought to Nevermore so long ago. Since then,
The Wyrd
Woodsman, the intelligent and sage Scarecrow, and the of the Seer s Spring to keep an eye on his enemies and
brave, if inaptly named Cowardly Lion. guide his followers, especially the Dread Hunters, where
Inhabitants: The shapes, sizes, and colors of the they are most needed in the dreamlands.
citizens of Oz span the rainbow of possibilities and Inhabitants: The inhabitants of the Wending
oddities. There is not a race of beasts, plants, constructs, Refuge are as dedicated to cleansing Nevermore of the
mortals or fey that cannot be found here in one country taint of nightmares as their dreamlord. His followers are
or another. Bands of fey wander this realm helping fanatically devoted to Bhlendhl and believe him to be a
mortals and lifting the spirits of all whom they meet, prophet of Faehalig s will. Most of the realm s populace
while mortals go about their work and leisure with were drawn here, as if by the hand of fate, after suffering
rarely a care in the world. Almost anything can be an a great loss at the hands of nightmares or diaboli. Many
inhabitant of Oz from anthropomorphic animals and believe their arrival in the Wending Refuge is a calling
plants (all of whom can talk if they wish) to enchanted from Nevermore to heal it of the poisonous presence
paper dolls and patchwork quilts. of nightmares and diaboli, and they spend their every
Aura: The outer half of Oz is a great sandy waste moment preparing for the struggles ahead.
that automatically strikes anyone touching its dunes Aura: During Cadence, Bhlendhl and Gwynudd
with a +8 supernatural damage attack each round. Once can unite their realms into one. This combined realm
within the countries of Oz a creature can stop aging if comes under the effects of Heart Shaping (friendship
they wish. They will remain this same age for as long and hope) for the duration of Cadence.
as they will it or remain within the realm. Once they The Seer s Spring grants the Scrying power to those
leave, they begin to age again as normal or may chose who look into it, and the Vision and Object Reading
to become their actual age. In addition, the inhabitants powers for one cycle to those who drink from it during
and visitors of Oz cannot die by mundane means. In fact, Cadence. All of these powers are granted as an adept
each of them can only be killed if a very particular set of of the character s level. In addition, those within the
circumstances is met, such as in the case of the infamous Wending Refuge gain a +3 bonus to Medicine checks
Wicked Witch of the West who could only be killed by (+5 at the Seer s Spring).
having a bucket of water tossed on her by a mortal girl
who was protected by the mark of a good witch and wore
a single silver shoe. It is rumored that only Glinda knows
This realm is perhaps one of the more nonsensical
the method by which other Ozites might be killed and
and absurd realms within the Wyrd. Its landscape and
she keeps this within her Great Book of Records.
inhabitants change with every cycle in accord with the
whim of its current dreamlord, whoever that might be.
Wending Refuge When the Queen of Hearts rules over the land, it becomes
The Wending Refuge is a pristine and breathtaking a terribly perplexing place with nary a drop of rhyme or
sanctuary where exotic animals and plants reside reason to it. On the other hand, when the Red Queen
around an enchanted oasis. The inhabitants of this rules it becomes a topsy-turvy chessboard-like land
realm range from elves to orcs and everything between, with rigid rules about one s ludicrous conduct in what
but no matter what race one belongs to, those who she considers the  Imagination of Game. Last but not
claim residence in the Wending Refuge are dedicated to least, when Queen Alice rules over the realm it becomes
removing the taint of nightmares from Nevermore. They a strange admixture of surreal scenes and creatures
live in harmony with the Wyrd and its ever-changing straight out of a child s imagination. Though this realm
landscapes and enjoy the fresh discoveries that each new is completely unpredictable, one thing is for certain one
cycle brings. The Wending Refuge only has one constant will need every ounce of imagination to make head or
landmark called the Seer s Spring. Those who look into tails of this land, before they lose one or the other.
the sapphire pool can scry whatever their hearts desire, Dreamlord: There are three dreamlords who
while those who drink its waters during Cadence receive hold sway over Wonderland, though never at the same
knowledge and visions within its mirror-like waters. time or place. There is the delusional and domineering
Dreamlord: Bhlendhl, the Blind Wanderer, is an Queen of Hearts who lives in a house of cards, the
elderly and blind elf who speaks with a wisdom woven methodical Red Queen who sees the world in terms of
from ages of experience within the Wyrd. His realm red and white from her Looking Glass Tower, and the
wanders wherever he goes and though he cannot see its imaginative and kind-hearted Queen Alice who spends
beauty, he needs not see it, because the Wending Refuge her time wandering through her Garden of Wonders. It
is exactly as he imagines it to be. Since the Age of Strife, he is unknown as to how the dreamlord is determined for
has sworn to protect the Wyrd from corruption and has this realm, nor how long their rule will last. It seems as
sought the destruction of Diabolus and his nightmarish if each of these dreamlords is in a constant game of wits
and diabolic minions. He uses the supernatural powers and resourcefulness with each other and one may lose to
the other at any given time.
The Wyrd
Inhabitants: Wonderland can be populated by
Dread Hunters
most anything imaginable from paradoxical grins
Dread hunters track down and slay nightmarish creatures
without a cat to living playing cards. This is not to say
throughout the dreamlands, though the Wending Refuge
that everything imaginable can be found here all the
is considered to be their base of operations. Their
time, far from it. In fact the inhabitants of this realm
members are sworn to remove the taint of nightmares
change with clockwork regularity, although one cannot
from Nevermore. Dread hunters are a welcome sight
testify to said clock s condition, sometimes ticking
in most every land and have a reputation for being
backward, other times tocking forward, and at times
quite capable of dispatching nightmares of all sorts and
does not tick-tock at all. No matter whom one might
disrupting the plots and intrigues of the diaboli. A dread
or might not find within this realm it is very likely they
hunter typically wears a suit of supernatural studded
will talk in puns, riddles or rhymes, or riddling rhymes,
leather armor with a blindfolded bow emblazoned upon
rhyming puns, or puny riddles. This nonsense is to be
it. Their bows are renowned for their deadly accuracy
considered normal and not rude in the least, or perhaps
against nightmares and diaboli. The dread hunters are
it is normal to be rude in the least.
made up of a mixture of mortal and fey members, though
Aura: The strange thing about Wonderland is that
all of them have experienced first hand the horrors and
although its landscape, its inhabitants, and the events
cruelty of nightmares and diaboli.
are surreal, the actions taken within this realm are
The dread hunters are lead by the dreamlord
usually quite mundane. Characters retain access to their
Bhlendhl, who oversees the Council of Huntsmen.
Dream Conviction, but they act like normal Conviction
This council takes place during Cadence and elects five
while within Wonderland (unless the character can
captain huntsmen who are tasked with protecting one of
overcome the aura or Queen Alice is the current ruler).
Nevermore s domains, the most dangerous assignment
While the Queen of Hearts rules over Wonderland
being the Dreadlands. Once a captain huntsman is elected
everyone suffers a -3 penalty to Diplomacy and Gather
he stands before the assembly and calls for volunteers to
Information checks (-5 in the House of Cards).
join him. Once all the volunteers have taken their place,
While the Red Queen is the dreamlord everyone
those that have not volunteered come forward. These
comes under the Suggestion to follow her orders (-2
dread hunters typically wish to be unbound from any
penalty to Will saves in the Looking Glass Tower). In
captain for one year and present their case to Bhlendhl.
addition, Dream Conviction can be used to make a
If Bhlendhl determines that their reason and purpose is
 looking glass effect.
worthy, he will grant a special dispensation that allows
Whenever an action you take fails by 4 or less you
the dread hunter to be unbound. Unbounded dread
may spend a point of Dream Conviction to automatically
hunters fall under no one s command and are usually
succeed. If an opponent s action against you succeeds by
solitary in nature, though sometimes a small group of
4 or less, you may spend a point of Dream Conviction to
unbound dread hunters make common purpose and
make it automatically fail. Your opponent, if any, may
elect a lieutenant huntsman from their ranks who will
oppose you. Both you and your opponent determine, in
lead them until they complete their mission. Once all
secret, the amount of Dream Conviction you will spend
dread hunters have become bound or unbound the
on the looking glass effect. If you spend more than your
Council of Huntsmen ends and its members head back
opponent, the looking glass effect succeeds. If you spend
into the dreamlands to fight against nightmares and
equal to or less than your opponent, then it fails. You
other minions of evil.
must spend at least one Dream Conviction on each
looking glass attempt.
Free Riders
While Queen Alice is the dreamlord Dream
The free riders are led by Gwynudd and his chosen
Conviction works as normal and the realm is warded
captains and are sworn to protect the honor and realm
against nightmares and Unseelie fey.
of the Free Camp. They ride wild and ferocious beasts.
These creatures are steadfast servants of their riders
and fearsome foes to all those who oppose their masters.
Much of the free riders battle prowess comes from a
The Wyrd is filled with an amazing assortment of
mixture of their adept riding ability and formidable
organizations from the relentless dread hunters to the
mounts. When faced with terrible odds, free riders can
imaginative wordsmiths of Poesi. Many of these groups
summon a fury upon themselves and their mounts the
are associated with a particular realm, but usually their
likes of which few can survive.
influence and activities stretch far beyond the borders of
The free riders are usually found within Gwynudd s
the Wyrd. The importance of the Wyrd is not lost upon
realm as it wanders the Wyrd or Dreadlands in search
those who live in other domains and it is not uncommon
of nightmares and other dangerous creatures to hunt
to find organizations from outside of the Wyrd involved
down. However, they can be found elsewhere in
in its intrigues and plots.
Nevermore when on some task for Gwynudd or seeking
The Wyrd
out other Glaseelie fey. They wear a mixture of armor though there are a few who are of fey descent. The two
and wield an assortment of weapons. They are most most distinguishable features of their dress are the
readily recognized by the beasts they ride, which is dream catchers braided into their hair and their wands,
reflected in the banners that adorn their lances. Most which are crowned with a neverite gem.
of the free riders are Glaseelie fey, though occasionally
a Seelie fey or even a mortal will join their ranks after
Wordsmiths of Poesi
proving their metal to Gwynudd and his captains.
Wordsmiths are recognized as some of the most
enthralling entertainers and knowledgeable sages in
Weavers of the Wyrd the dreamlands and are admired by most of the world s
Weavers of the Wyrd are fearsome foes and eerie allies. inhabitants except the Unseelie fey and the children
They serve no particular dreamlord and are often of Mahr. Wordsmiths are messengers and servants of
found outside the Wyrd. They cause a great amount of the dreamlord Poesi, but only loosely so. In fact, Poesi
disturbance to the dreamlands they wander through and prefers them to experience the wonders of the lands as
only a few have been granted passage into the Hedge or they will and only requires them to return to him during
the Eye and only after proving themselves trustworthy and Cadence to tell him their tales. It is a marvelous time
sane. Weavers of the Wyrd are considered as everything to be within Poesi s realm when the wordsmiths are all
from eccentric dream weavers to dangerous madmen gathered and the  Tournament of Words is held.
depending upon whom one talks to within Nevermore. Poesi is the leader of this association of performers
This was not always the case, once upon a time they and scholars, but gives the members of this guild a great
were welcome visitors to almost every realm, but the deal of freedom. Only on rare occasions does Poesi ask
death of their matriarch, Helena, and the subsequent a member to undertake a particular mission, and even
corruption of their gift caused many of them to become then it is only a request. In general, wordsmiths are
dangerously unstable. Before Helena s death their charged with seeking out and gathering the tales about
purpose was to build safe-havens within the wild lands the dreamlands and the Mortal World. They have the
of the Wyrd. However, during the Age of Strife their special charge to discover the fate of Nialla, but none have
gift was tainted by Diabolus and now many of their been successful in this regard since this organization s
number bring sorrow and woe to those whom they once founding. Wordsmiths of Poesi are known within almost
protected. The hierarchy of the weavers of the Wyrd has every race of fey and mortal. There are no set regalia for
long been broken, but some of them have regained their wordsmiths to wear, but each receives a pin in the shape
senses since the advent of the Age of Serenity. These of a winged scroll with the following words inscribed
men and women seek to reforge their once great order upon it,  By words the mind is winged.
and cleanse it of its taint. Most members are mortal,
The Wyrd
Adventuring In the Wyrd
The Wyrd is a land of legends. It is a place where the " Hel, one of the children of Loki escaped the great
imaginations of dreamers can run the gambit of fantasy. battle of Ragnarok and has created her own realm hidden
Sagas and adventurers of epic proportions find their somewhere deep beneath the land of Idavoll. She has
home here as well as many mortals who were the seeds spent much of the Age of Serenity gathering new allies
of the Mortal World s myths. The tales of the Arabian and minions to do her dark will. The rest of her family
Nights and Gulliver s Travels may have found their was killed during the great battle and she seeks revenge
roots here. Last but not least, children stories are great on those she holds responsible. It is rumored that she
sources of inspiration for adventurers in this domain has created a secret society of necromancers who have
allowing you to draw upon everything from Barrie s been tasked with raising her family from the dead and
enchanting Neverland to the marvelous adventures of gathering an undead horde with which to assault the city
Carlo Collodi s Pinocchio. Narrators could even draw of Gimli and overthrow its current leaders. Balder and
upon the modern, pulp, and science fiction genres in the other dreamlords of Idavoll are worried that if they
order to use the Nevermore as part of a much more cannot stop Hel s necromancers, a new Ragnarok will
contemporary campaign setting. ensue and all that is left of their once-great realm will be
turned into a graveyard.
" The queens of Wonderland have decreed a Grand
Adventure Hooks
Snark hunt throughout Wonderland. The snarks, lead
" The Tournament of Words is the most notable
by the dangerous Boojums, have recently moved off
festival on the Isle of Poesis. Poesi presides over the
of their island home and are overrunning the entire
tournament with a number of judges consisting of
realm. They have almost no sense of humor and have
the previous year s winners and a panel of renowned
made quite a few of this land s inhabitants disappear.
wordsmiths. The first cycle of Cadence is the known as
To augment their invasion force, the snarks are using
the Tragoidia, and is filled with the trials and tribulations
the fabled Jabberwocky, the frumious Bandersnatch
of tragic plays, whiles the second cycle, called Komoidia,
and the passionate Jubjub birds to sow confusion in the
is spent enjoying the amusement and humor of comedic
ranks of Wonderlands defenders. Although the Queen
ones. The final cycle is spent upon poetry, song, and
of Hearts finds this invasion to be quite delightful
storytelling, among other events. Afterward, there is a
for all its bloodshed and excitement, the Red Queen
magnificent feast in honor of the winners and each is
thinks it is an unacceptable wrench in the gears of her
granted one request by Poesi. Many of Poesi s trusted
clockwork-like games. On the other hand, Queen Alice
advisors and wordsmiths come from former winners,
is far more distressed about what has gotten into the
such as the passionate Sappho and the mysterious
snarks and how they were able to get off of their island.
Pearl Poet. However, it is a worry, at least for some of
As such she is searching for a group of adventurers to
Poesi s advisors, that an agent of evil might infiltrate
head to Snark Island and find out what or who has been
the Poet s Palace or wordsmiths by winning events in
instigating them.
the Tournament of Words. Thus far their fears have not
" There is a small group of weavers of the Wyrd
been realized, but nevertheless they keep a close eye on
who are trying to discover a cure for the madness that
the tournament and its entrants.
their fellow weavers suffer from and have set up a guild
" The Dreadlands have become more dangerous
house on the Isle of Poesis. Unfortunately during their
during the last year, with more numerous and powerful
experiments one of their members became tainted. He
nightmares stalking the land. Gwynudd and his warriors
killed a couple of their acolytes and destroyed much of
have lost a number of free riders to deadly ambushes
the guild house before escaping. The remaining weavers
by diaboli forces. These diaboli have proven to be more
have been trying to find their former friend and undo
organized and effective in their recent attacks than
the taint that has infected him. Unfortunately, he has
in the past and their coordinated attacks have caused
disappeared into the Wyrd and seems to reappear at
Gwynudd and his free riders to be much more cautious
random only to cause a great deal of destruction during
in their raids. To complicate matters a number of free
his rampages.
riders have left the Free Camp in order to establish their
" There is a group of Unseelie fey led by Ruggedo,
own realm under a new chieftain. Though only a small
the Nome King, who live in a realm beneath the land
minority of the Free Camp, this departure has weakened
of Oz. They resent the inhabitants who live above them
it at a time Gwynudd believes is critical, especially with
and rarely miss a chance to cause trouble for Ozma and
the intensifying activity of the diaboli. He also worries
her allies. In fact, the Nome King s minions have created
about what will become of this new tribe and more
a vast network of hidden tunnels throughout the land
importantly the ends of its new chieftain.
and have been using them to kidnap important surface-
dwellers and replace them with changelings. Though
The Wyrd
some of these changelings have been discovered there items for the right price. There headquarters in located
are a number of them still at large and working on some somewhere in the Wyrd, but only dowsers and their
nefarious plan crafted by their king. trusted allies know how to find it. Recently, a few of their
" Dread hunters throughout the domains have members have disappeared and the guild is worried that
reported a remarkable increase in nightmarish they have been captured and are being put to some
activity and have been hard pressed to keep up with nefarious use, perhaps even to find the Dowser s Guild.
the numerous sightings and rumors of these walking As such they are hiring adventurers to protection to their
horrors. One such raid left most of an entire village current members and find those who have disappeared.
slaughtered, though tales from the survivors indicate " After the last Cadence, a strange mansion appeared
the diaboli responsible for the raid had inquired about upon the Isle of Poesis. Its front door and windows are
a specific girl. This girl recently manifested the ability magically sealed, and only awakened can enter it. Prince
to destroy nightmares, even diaboli, with her touch. Poesi has set a prize for those who discover the secrets of
The survivors believe the girl left the village before the this mysterious manor. Some believe Poesi put it there,
attack and fled into the Wyrd. No one knows if she was while others suspect some sinister purpose behind the
captured or escaped, but the dread hunters and others mansion, but whoever s hand shaped its halls has not
have made it a priority to find her, hopefully alive. come forward, nor have any returned to tell their tale.
" A gnomish inventor named Akerue lived upon " Gwynnudd s son is dying, and after consulting with
the Isle of Poesis and was creating useful, if strangely his seers, he has sought the help of humans in securing
convoluted devices for his costumers for almost a the cure. It lies somewhere within the Wyrd and may
decade. He was working on a new invention that he only be touched by mortal hands. His seers have
claimed would revolutionize the world of Nevermore. written down their visions and the signs by which the
Many of his neighbors and customers tried to ply the adventurers will know they are upon the right pathway
secret out of him, but he had withstood their advances through the dreamlands, but time is running out, and
and told no one about his device s purpose of function. they must hurry if they are to succeed.
Unfortunately it seems he never will, as his house has " Whether it is because dragons hold a special place
disappeared and no one has seen hide or hair of him in the mortal psyche or some other reason entirely,
since. It is rumored by some that he discovered a way these fantastic creatures are found in the Wyrd with
to pass the waters of forgetfulness, others say that he remarkable frequency. As they grow in power, they
built a time travel device, and more than a few think frequently create their own realms where they keep
he winked himself out of existence. However, there are their homes and hoards. Sometimes these realms are
rumors that the occasional passerby has seen a glowing welcoming regions where mortals, fey and dragons live
doorway where Akerue s front porch used to be, though side-by-side with each other. However, more likely than
where it leads is anyone s guess. not these lands serve as either fortresses of solitude or
" The Dowser s Guild has long been the only reliable way stations between rampages. The dreamlords of the
means for traversing the dreamlands, especially the Wyrd keep a close eye on the dragons and when one of
Wyrd, without becoming lost. They help caravans and them becomes a menace to their realm they often enlist
adventuring parties for a fee to get just about anywhere adventures to deal with the situation.
in Nevermore. They can also help find individuals and
New Rules
The following chapter provides a number of new rules
those within your line of sight. You still have to spend
for use with the True20 core rules and Nevermore
Dream Conviction to activate these aspects for one
campaign setting. It includes new aspects for players
scene. If no one within line of sight has an aspect, then
and Narrators to use, role progression paths for the
you cannot use this ability. You use your own dreamer
weavers of the Wyrd and wordsmiths of Poesi, a number
level to determine the aspects effects.
of new feats and a sampling of the flora and fauna found
in the Wyrd.
Aspect Memory (Dreamer)
Prerequisite: Aspect Duplication
You retrain a memory of an aspect you have seen
New Aspects
and can activate it at a moment s notice. You can
The following are a few new aspects and aspect-affecting
memorize a single aspect you have come into contact
feats for use with the Nevermore campaign setting.
with. This aspect does not need to be within line of sight
to use. You may take this feat multiple times. Each time
Aspect Duplication (Dreamer)
you take it you increase the number of aspects you can
You have the ability to duplicate the aspects of others.
memorize by one.
You may only use this power to duplicate the aspects of
The Wyrd
Table 1: Draconic Senses
Dowser Aspect (Dreamer)
You have an uncanny knack for finding persons, places,
Result Senses
and things within the dreamlands. If the person, place or
thing is protected by a Ward or other appropriate power 10 10 ft.
you must make an opposed check against the Ward to
15 20 ft.
successfully use this power. For each of these powers
you make a check (Difficulty 10) modified by the person, 20 30 ft.
place or thing s familiarity. If you fail you must wait until
25 40 ft.
the next cycle to try again for that particular subject.
If successful, you locate the creature, object, or path 30 50 ft.
you are looking for and find the shortest, most direct
35+ 60 ft.
physical route to the subject of this power. The power
indicates, at appropriate times, the exact path to follow.
(fire or weakening; 30 ft. cone), or swamp (acid; 60 ft.
However, it does not provide you with any guidance in
line). If a dragon has more than one breath weapon type
regard to hazards you must avoid, obstacles you must
you must choose which one you have access to when you
overcome, or creatures (including guardians) you might
first pick this aspect.
meet along the way.
Once you use your breath weapon, you can t breathe
Locate Creature (Fatiguing, Concentration):
again until 3 rounds later. If the breath weapon deals
You can use this power to locate a specific kind of
damage, creatures caught in the area can attempt Reflex
creature (choose a particular species) or a specific
saves to take half damage. The damage of your draconic
individual known to you.
breath is equal to your dreamer level.
Locate Object (Fatiguing, Concentration):
For non-damaging breath weapons use the
You sense the direction of a well-known or clearly
following rules. Creatures within the area of affect must
visualized object. You can search for general items,
succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed, (moon),
in which case you locate the nearest one of its kind.
petrified (mountain), or weakened (2 points of Strength
Alternatively, you can attempt to find a certain item.
damage; sun) for 4 rounds plus 1 round for every three
Locate Path (Fatiguing, Concentration): This
dreamer levels.
power enables you to sense the correct direction, be it
the way into or out of a locale, which will eventually lead
you to your destination.
Draconic Aspect, Physical (Dreamer)
Time: Dowser abilities require a full-round action.
Choose one of the following dragons: fire, forest, ice,
moon, mountain, sky, sun, or swamp dragons. Your
physical form reflects an innate relationship with this
Draconic Aspect, Mental (Dreamer)
type of dragon.
Choose one of the following dragons: fire, forest, ice,
Draconic Movement (Fatiguing,
moon, mountain, sky, sun, or swamp dragons. You have
Maintenance): As a move action, you gain a fly
a supernatural bond with your chosen dragon type.
speed equal to 20 feet with poor maneuverability. Add
Draconic Power: You can use a particular
an additional 20 feet to the granted movement speed
power associated with your chosen dragon type: fire
for every four dreamer levels. Draconic movement is
(Scrying), forest (Suggestion), ice (Cold Shaping),
fatiguing, with a Fatigue save Difficulty of 14 (+2 per
moon (Wind Shaping), mountain (Earth Shaping), sky
four dreamer levels).
(Wind Shaping), sun (Light Shaping) or swamp dragons
Draconic Skin (Fatiguing, Maintenance): As a
(Shadow Shaping).
move action you gain damage reduction +1/supernatural.
Draconic Senses: As a move action you can
Add an additional +1 damage reduction for every four
make a Draconic Aspect check. The result of the check
dreamer levels. Draconic skin is fatiguing, with a Fatigue
indicates the range of your draconic senses of Darkvision
save Difficulty of 14 (+2 per four dreamer levels).
and Blindsense. The benefits of Draconic Senses last for
Draconic Strike (Fatiguing, Maintenance): As
10 minutes. If you take 20 when making this check, you
a standard action you gain a bite attack. The damage is
spend 2 minutes and suffer a +20 increase in the Fatigue
equal to 1 + 1 for every four levels of dreamer. Elemental
check. See Table 1: Draconic Senses.
Strike is fatiguing, with a Fatigue saving throw of 14 (+2
Draconic Breath (Fatiguing): As a standard
for every additional point of damage).
action, you can use the breath weapon (if more than
Time: Draconic Strike takes a standard action. The
one choose one) of your chosen dragon: fire (fire; 30
benefits of Dragon Skin last for 10 rounds (1 minute).
ft. cone), forest (acid; 30 ft. cone), ice (cold; 30 ft.
If you take 20 when making this check, you spend 2
cone), moon (cold or paralysis; 30 ft. cone), mountain
minutes and suffer a +20 increase in the Fatigue check.
(petrifying; 30 ft. cone), sky (electricity; 60 ft. line), sun
The Wyrd
Table 3: Prodigious Aspect
Improved Aspect Memory (Dreamer)
Prerequisite: Aspect Memory
Difficulty Bonus
You are even more adept at recalling your
memorized aspects. You may use your memorized
10 2
aspects up to three times per cycle without spending
15 4
Dream Conviction.
20 6
Lucky Aspect (Dreamer)
25 8
Prerequisites: Lucky
30 10
You are lucky beyond all belief.
Aura of Luck (Fatiguing, Maintenance): You
35+ 12
are surrounded by an aura of luck with a 60-foot radius.
Whenever you would normally be surprised in combat skills. You gain the Prodigious Challenge, Power, and
by an attack, power, or effect originating from within Skills abilities with these new skills.
the aura s range, you can make a Lucky Aspect check Prodigious Challenge (Fatiguing): As a
(Difficulty 15). If successful, you receive a split-second free action, you can make a Prodigious Aspect check
warning (could be something you notice or just a gut (Difficulty 10). If successful, you gain a free challenge
instinct); you are not surprised and can take an action plus an extra free challenge during the scene for every
in the surprise round. If you succeeded by 10 or more, five points you beat the Difficulty. These challenges can
you are treated as if you rolled a 20 on your initiative be taken all at once or one at a time. You can only use
check for the surprise round. If you succeed by 20 or this ability once per scene.
more, you can take a move or standard action before the Prodigious Power: You gain a single power
surprise round. You can increase the radius of your aura associated with one of your chosen skills. This power
by 30 feet for every four dreamer levels you possess. should be determined by you and your Narrator at the
When another creature within the aura is the subject time of choosing this aspect. For example, if you chose
of an attack, power, or effect originating from within the Handle Animal and Medicine skills, then your
the aura s radius, you receive a warning about that Narrator might allow you to choose between the Beast
creature, but the Difficulty of your Lucky Aspect check is Link and Cure power, whichever power you chose will be
increased by 5. Aura of luck is fatiguing, with a Fatigue available to use when this aspect is activated.
save Difficulty of 14 (+2 per four dreamer levels). Prodigious Skills: As a move action, you can
Lucky Re-Roll (Fatiguing): As a reaction, you make a Prodigious Aspect check. The result of the check
can make a Lucky Aspect check. The result of the check indicates the bonus you add to your chosen skill checks.
indicates the bonus you gain when you use the amazing This bonus lasts for 10 minutes. If you take 20 when
re-roll ability. You cannot use this ability to affect a making this check, you spend 2 minutes and suffer a
Lucky Aspect check. +20 increase to the fatigue Difficulty.
Prodigious Aspect (Dreamer) Wild Aspects (Dreamer)
You have the ability to perform spectacular actions Your aspects fluctuate in strength and potency. Reduce
without hesitation. When you gain this aspect choose your effective dreamer level by 2 for all your aspects. At
two related skills. You may take this aspect multiple the beginning of each scene, roll a d20 and add the level
times. Each time you do so, chose two different related modifier to your effective dreamer level.
Table 2: Lucky Re-Roll Table 4: Wild Aspects
Difficulty Bonus Result Level Modifier
10 1 1 2 0
15 2 3 6 1
20 3 7 10 2
25 4 11 14 3
30 5 15 18 4
35+ 6 19 20 5
The Wyrd
Wild Aspect Surge (Dreamers) Weavers of the Wyrd
Prerequisite: Wild Aspects Weavers of the Wyrd stir up excitement and emotion
Your wild aspects can be enhanced through sheer wherever they go and make the world around them
determination. For each point of Dream Conviction you more surreal and malleable. They have an astonishing
spend you increase the level modifier of your wild aspects reservoir of luck, which they can draw upon on a
result by one. For example, if you roll a 17 and spend 2 moment s notice and an unparalleled insight into the
points of Dream Conviction, then you would increase the inner workings of Nevermore. As they attune themselves
modifier to +6 for the duration of the scene. to the dreamlands, they can use the sheer force of their
will to increase the power of their aspects.
Adversaries: As adversaries weavers are volatile
Wyrd Aspect (Dreamer)
and erratic enemies. Their minds distorted by dementia
You carry the indelible mark of the Wyrd wherever you go.
and their actions are arbitrary at best. They wander
You can use the Heart Shaping and Second Sight power.
the dreamlands along unpredictable paths, though it
Wyrd Aura (Fatiguing, Maintenance): As a
is glaringly evident wherever they have been. They are
standard action, you can surround yourself with an aura
surreal storms of immeasurable intensity leaving a
of the Wyrd with up to a 20-foot radius. You and anyone
swath of destruction and mayhem in their wake.
else within the radius may use the improbable deed
Heroes: Some weavers retained their sanity during
and unbelievable challenge Dream Conviction abilities
the Age of Strife and passed their knowledge on over
without expending Dream Conviction. In addition,
the years to new weavers. These weavers seek to restore
anyone in the aura s radius suffers a +5 Difficulty to their
the order s reputation and cleanse the tainted weavers,
backlash checks. You may increase the aura s radius by
either by healing them or destroying them. They swear
10 feet for every four dreamer levels you possess. In
an oath to never use their powers to harm the innocent
addition, any area under the effects of your aura during
and spend their lives trying to make amends for the
the turning is treated as if it was in the Wyrd (+10 to
harm their former companions have done.
Domain Shifts). Wyrd aura is fatiguing, with a Fatigue
Position: Weavers are more likely to be support
save Difficulty of 14 (+2 per four dreamer levels).
characters in an adventuring party. They use their Wyrd
and Lucky auras to perform incredible actions with
relative ease. They can also become very effective face
New Paths
men and leaders for a group of adventurers.
The following are two new paths for use in the Nevermore
Abilities: A weaver s mental abilities are more
campaign setting. The weavers of the Wyrd and the
important than their physical ones. Charisma is
wordsmiths of Poesi are intended for use by players and
especially useful for a weaver due to its usefulness in
Narrators. However, the weavers are an unpredictable
regards to their typically skills and possible backlashes.
organization due to their tragic history, which means
Wisdom is important because it provides a boost to a
they can serve as adversaries, heroes, or both within any
weaver s mental vitality and allows him to use more
given adventure.
The Wyrd
fatiguing aspects. Intelligence is useful because it fey recruited into the organization to work within the
grants more skills for a weaver to draw upon during Heartlands and elsewhere.
adventures. Both Dexterity and Constitution are useful Skills: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + the
in keeping the weaver alive long enough to bring his full weaver s Intelligence modifier from the following
powers to bear on any given situation. list: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather
Background: Most weavers are dreamborn Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Language,
mortals, though recently their have been a few reborn Medicine, Notice, Sense Motive or Survival.
Table 5: Weaver Path
Character Level Role Level Feats/Powers/Aspects
1 Dreamer 1st Dream Blood, Lucky Aspect, Wild Aspects, Wyrd Aspect
2 Dreamer 2nd Wild Aspect Surge
3 Dreamer 3rd Wild Weaver
4 Dreamer 4th Dream Blood
5 Dreamer 5th Improved Aspect (Wyrd)
6 Dreamer 6th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
7 Dreamer 7th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
8 Dreamer 8th Dream Blood
9 Dreamer 9th Innate Aspect (Wyrd)
10 Dreamer 10th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
11 Dreamer 11th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
12 Dreamer 12th Dream Blood
13 Dreamer 13th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
14 Dreamer 14th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
15 Dreamer 15th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
16 Dreamer 16th Dream Blood
17 Dreamer 17th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
18 Dreamer 18th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
19 Dreamer 19th Choose a Feat or Aspect1
20 Dreamer 20th Dream Blood
1 Choose one of the following: Aspect (any), Armor Training, Aspect Duplication, Aspect Mastery, Aspect Memory,
Canny Dodge, Challenge, Eidetic Memory, Empower Aspect, Endurance, Erase Signature, Gifted Aspect, Improved
Aspect, Improved Aspect Memory, Improved Initiative, Innate Aspect, Lucky, Quicken Aspect, Second Chance,
Shield Penetration, Skill Focus, Skill Training, Subtle Aspect, Talented, Tireless, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Training,
Widen Aspect, or Wild Skills.
The Wyrd
Table 6: Wordsmith Path
Character Level Role Level Feats/Powers/Aspects
Dream Blood, Eidetic Memory, Prodigious Aspect (Craft: writing or
1 Dreamer 1st Perform: acting, comedy, oratory, or singing and one related skill),
Words of Crafting
2 Expert 1st Inspire
3 Dreamer 2nd Choose a Feat or Aspect1
4 Expert 2nd Favored Audience
5 Expert 3rd Inspire
6 Dreamer 2nd Choose a Feat or Aspect1
7 Expert 5th Choose a Feat2
8 Expert 1st Inspire
9 Dreamer 2nd Choose a Feat or Aspect1
10 Expert 7th Favored Audience
11 Expert 1st Inspire
12 Dreamer 2nd Choose a Feat or Aspect1
13 Expert 9th Choose a Feat2
14 Expert 1st Inspire
15 Dreamer 2nd Choose a Feat or Aspect1
16 Expert 11th Favored Audience
17 Expert 1st Inspire
18 Dreamer 2nd Choose a Feat or Aspect1
19 Expert 13th Choose a Feat2
20 Expert 1st Choose a Feat2
1 Choose one of the following: Ability Aspect (Intelligence or Charisma), Aspect Duplication, Aspect Mastery,
Aspect Memory, Dowser Aspect, Draconic Aspect (moon or sun), Dream Blood, Dreamer Insight, Emotive Aspect
(Friendship or Hope), Empower Aspect, Gifted Aspect, Improved Aspect, Illumination Aspect (Brilliant), Improved
Aspect Memory, , Innate Aspect, Lucky Aspect, Prodigious Aspect, Quicken Aspect, Shield Penetration, , Widen
Aspect, Wild Skills, or Wyrd Aspect.
2 Choose one of the following: Any Expert feat, Animal Empathy, Armor Training, Canny Dodge, Challenge,
Connected, Contacts, Dreamer Insight, Fascinate, Favored Audience, Harmonized Voice, Leadership, Lucky,
Mass Suggestion, Quick Draw, Second Chance, Set-up, Taunt, Skill Focus, Skill Training, Suggestion, Wealthy, or
Weapon Training.
The Wyrd
Wordsmiths of Poesi Adept Insight (General)
Wordsmiths of Poesi derive their powers from their Prerequisite: 1st level Adept, Knowledge
ability to craft from words. They can produce powerful (supernatural) rank 8
effects through their poetry and prose. They can inspire You have spent many hours studying the
awe, courage, fury, and other emotions with a few well- supernatural and can have flashes of insight into how to
chosen words and can influence their audiences with use your powers. For every point of Dream Conviction
their compelling voices. They have sharp memories and you spend you increase your effective adept level on a
rarely forget a detail of their stories or their adventures. single use of a power by up to 4 (maximum equal to your
As they gain experience, wordsmiths become potent total level.) For example, if you were a 1st level adept/
forces in shaping the hearts and minds of their listeners. 3rd level expert with the Apport power, you would be
Heroes: Wordsmiths are natural leaders within a able to use the power as if you were a 4th level adept if
party of adventurers, but some prefer to be observers, you expended a point of Dream Conviction.
taking in the details and offering their opinion when
they see a need. They are powerful allies to any group
Dreamer Insight (General)
and are useful for their ability to craft things with their
Prerequisite: 1st level Dreamer, Knowledge
words and support their companions with their powers.
(supernatural) rank 8
Position: Wordsmiths usually wander the
You have spent many hours studying the
dreamlands as solitary figures or in troupes. However,
supernatural and can have flashes of insight into how to
sometimes a wordsmith will align himself with an
use your aspects. For every point of Dream Conviction
influential individual as a counselor. In such a capacity,
you spend you increase your effective dreamer level on a
the wordsmith becomes an invaluable source of
single use of a power by up to 4 (maximum equal to your
information and advice. Most any dreamlord would
total level.) For example, if you were a 1st level dreamer/
consider themselves lucky to have such an ally and as
6th level warrior with Totem Aspect (wolf) you would be
such they often spend much time and effort in order to
able to use the aspect as if you were a 7th level dreamer
become a wordsmith s patron.
if you expended two points of Dream Conviction.
Abilities: In a word, Charisma. This is the
most important ability for any wordsmith. It is not
Dream Resistance (General)
only the key ability to their skills, but also improves
Prerequisite: Resistance to Dreams (x2)
their capacity as crafters of the word. Alternatively,
You have a natural resistance to surreal effects. You
some wordsmiths prefer writing as their medium of
gain a Dream Resistance equal to 10 + half your non-
expression. In this case, then Intelligence becomes
dreamer levels. You can avoid effects originating from
vastly more important. Whether the wordsmith s
aspects, dream weaving, or the supernatural abilities of
preference is for the spoken or written word it is
progeny. To determine if a supernatural effect or ability
important for him to have a decent Wisdom if he
works against you, the user must make a dreamer level
acquires a number of fatiguing aspects. Dexterity is
check (1d20 + dreamer level). If the result equals or
probably the most useful physical ability because it
exceeds your dream resistance, the power works normally,
is the key ability for some of the wordsmith s abilities
although you are still allowed a saving throw. You may not
and it improves his chances of surviving in combat.
gain levels in the dreamer role if you take this feat.
Background: Wordmiths come from a variety of
backgrounds from mortal dreamer to reborn fey.
Skills: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + the
Favored Audience (Expert)
wordsmith s Intelligence modifier from the following
You have a particular type of audience you ve studied
list: Acrobatics, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (writing),
or are especially effective against. It may be a type of
Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information,
creature, like animals or the undead; a profession,
Knowledge (any), Language, Notice, Perform (any),
like soldiers or thieves; or any other category the
Sense Motive, or Sleight of Hand.
Narrator approves. Especially broad categories, like  all
humanoids or  all villains, are not permitted. You get a
+2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform, and
New Feats
Sense Motive checks when dealing with your favored
The following are new feats for use with the True20
audience. In addition, your favored audience suffers a  2
system and Nevermore campaign setting. They have
penalty to their Will Saves when you use an appropriate
been created to help flesh out the ideas behind the
feat or power. You may take this feat multiple times,
weaver of the Wyrd and the wordsmiths of Poesi, but can
either choosing a different favored audience or stacking
find a home with many different character concepts.
with your existing bonus to a maximum of +6 on skills
checks and  6 on Will saves.
The Wyrd
Table 7: Wild Powers Table 8: Wild Skills
Result Level Modifier Result Bonus
1 2 0 1 2 0
3 6 1 3 6 1
7 10 2 7 10 2
11 14 3 11 14 3
15 18 4 15 18 4
19 20 5 19 20 5
Harmonized Voice (Expert)
Table 9: Wild Weaver
Prerequisite: Fascinate (acting, comedy, oratory, or
singing) and Inspire
Result Level Modifier
You have the ability to harmonize your voice in such
a way as to weave together multiple audio effects (ex.
1 2 0
Fascinate, Inspire, Suggestion, Words of Crafting, etc.).
If you expend a point of Dream Conviction, you can have 3 6 1
two audio effects active at the same time as a full-round
7 10 2
action. For example, you could have the Fascinate feat
active as you inspire competence in your allies or inspire
11 14 3
awe as you use words of crafting to create an object.
15 18 4
Resistance to Dreams (General)
Prerequiste: No levels in the dreamer role
19 20 5
Surreal effects are less likely to affect you. You gain
a bonus to Toughness and Will saving throws against
dream weave, roll a d20 and add the level modifier to
surreal damage or effects originating from aspects,
your effective dreamer level. The result indicates what
dream weaving, or the supernatural abilities of progeny.
dreamer level you are considered to be with regard to
You can take this feat multiple times and its
that particular dream weave. You may still spend Dream
benefits stack, up to a maximum +5 bonus to your
points to increase your effective level as normal.
Toughness saves.
Words of Crafting (Dreamer)
Wild Powers (Adept)
Prerequisites: Dream Blood, Prodigious Aspect in Craft
Your powers fluctuate in strength and potency. Reduce
(writing) or Perform (acting, comedy, oratory, or singing).
your effective adept level by 2 for all your powers. At the
You are so adept at weaving words together you
beginning of each scene, roll a d20 and add the level
can knit objects out of thin air. Choose Perform (acting,
modifier to your effective adept level.
comedy, oratory, or singing) or Craft (writing). As a full-
Wild Skills (General)
round action, you can use your chosen skill to dream
Your skills fluctuate in effectiveness. Reduce your
craft. The Craft Difficulty is increased by 5, though all
effective skill ranks by 2 for all skills. Whenever you
other factors remain the same.
attempt a skill check, roll a d20 and add the bonus
to your effective skill ranks. The result indicates how
many ranks you are considered have with regard to that
Flora and Fauna
particular skill check.
The plants and creatures of the Wyrd run the gambit
of possibilities from the exotic to the surrealistic and
everything in between. This domain s bizarre landscapes
Wild Weaver (Dreamer)
are only matched by its extraordinary inhabitants, which
Prerequisite: Dreamer 3rd level
sets the stage for a wide range of unusual adventures.
Your dream weaves fluctuate in power and
The following are just a few examples of the types of
effectiveness. Reduce your effective dreamer level
flora and fauna found within the ever-changing Wyrd.
by 2 for all dream weaves. Whenever you attempt a
The Wyrd
Skills: Tripaka have a +4 racial bonus to Notice,
Sense Motive, and Survival checks.
Type: 12th Level Supernatural Beast
Trample: Damage +19; Difficulty 25 Reflex save for
Size: Huge
half damage. The save Difficulty is Strength-based.
Speed: 40 ft.
Trunks: Severing an airavata s trunks follows the
Abilities: Str +9, Dex +0, Con +5, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +0
rules for sundering a tentacle (see Tentacles in the
Skills: Notice 15 (+25), Sense Motive 4 (+11), Survival
description of creature traits in Chapter One of the
15 (+22)
True20 Bestiary). An airavata s head counts as a Small
Feats: Attack Focus (gore), Dream BloodB, Double
held object for the sundering attempt.
StrikeB, Endurance, Iron Will, Night Vision B, Skill Focus
(Notice), Power (3)B, TrunksB
Airavatas are ivory colored creatures with a close
Traits: All-around attack, Power (rank 15, Wis +3, save
resemblance to elephants. However, unlike their Mortal
Difficulty 19, Water Shaping +18, Wind Shaping +18,
World kin, these creatures have four golden tusks
Weather Shaping), Scent, Trample
sprouting from their head along with seven massive
Combat: Attack +10 ( 2 size, +12 base) (+11 with gore),
trunks. They are imposing creatures and can be turned
Damage +15 (gore) or +13 (slam), Defense Dodge/Parry
into fierce fighting mounts with the proper training. They
+10/+19 ( 2 size, +12 base, +0 Dex, +9 Str), Initiative +0
are usually found in the Wyrd, but have been known to
Saving Throws: Toughness +13 (+4 size, +5 Con, +4
wander into the other domains from time to time.
natural), Fortitude +12 (+7 base, +5 Con), Reflex +3 (+3
Airavatas are peaceful creatures, but once provoked
base), Will +8 (+3 base, +3 Wis, +2 Iron Will)
they become determined and formidable foes attaking and
Dream Conviction: 2
trampling any creatures that threaten them or their herd.
Organization: Solitary or Herd (6 30)
An airavata has a body length, including trunk and
tusks, of between 20 and 25 feet, stands 10 to 15 feet tall,
All-Around Attack: As a full round action an airavata
and weighs 5,500 to 8,000 pounds.
can make a number of slam attacks equal to its current
number of trunks against opponents within its reach.
Up to two attacks can be made against an individual Cait Sith
opponent using the Double Strike. Type: 3rd Level Supernatural Beast (Dreamborn)
Size: Small
Speed: 30 ft.
Abilities: Str  3, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +1
Skills: Acrobatics 0 (+12)*, Climb 0 (+8)*, Jump 0
(+12)*, Notice 6 (+8), Sense Motive 6 (+8), Stealth 4
(+16)*[+4 Dex, +4 racial, +4 size]
Feats: Dream BloodB, Supernatural Talent (Light
Shaping and Teleport), Night VisionB, Power (2)B,
Supernatural Focus (Light Shaping)
Traits: Darkvision 60 ft., Power (rank 6, Wis +1, save
Difficulty 13, Light Shaping +12, Teleport +9), Scent
Combat: Attack +8 (+3 base, +4 Dex, +1 size), Damage
 2 (unarmed), Defense Dodge/Parry +8/+1 (+3 base,
+4 Dex, +1 size), Initiative +4
Saving Throws: Toughness  1 (+0 base, +0 Con,
 1 size), Fortitude +3 (+3 base, +0 Con), Reflex +7 (+3
base, +4 Dex), Will +3 (+1 base, + 2 Wis)
Dream Conviction: 2
Organization: Solitary, colony (2 5), or cluster (6 15)
Skills: Cait Siths have a +4 bonus on Climb and Stealth
checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Jump
checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of
their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks.
In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Stealth
bonus rises to +8.
Cait siths come in a variety of colors, though all of
them have black stripes and broad grins. They are
solitary creatures and can disappear with a flick of their
The Wyrd
tails making them quite difficult to catch. They live
Prophet Poppies
throughout the dreamlands, though are quite found of
Prophet poppies are a mysterious flower famed for its
the Wyrd, especially Wonderland.
predictive qualities. As a move action, anyone who eats
Cait siths use their invisibility to avoid combat, but
a handful of prophet poppy seeds or drinks a tea made
if cornered they will make a stand.
from them gains the Visions power for one minute. The
A cait sith has a length of about 2 feet and weighs
age of the flower determines its power rankings (ranging
between 20 to 50 pounds.
from 4 to 23) and the possible scope of the visions it
grants. Unfortunately, prophet poppies also cause their
users to enter into a trance-like state. While in this
Dream Berry
altered state the subject s surroundings appear blurred
The dream berry tree produces one of the most sought
and he is considered to be dazzled ( 1 on attack rolls,
after fruits in Nevermore. Its skin is lavender in color
Notice checks, and Search checks). This effect wears off
and its tastes like strong mint. Anyone who eats a dream
once the Vision power s duration ends. Prophet poppies
berry must make a Fortitude save (Difficulty 15) or be
dot the dreamlands from the Wyrd to the Dreadlands
dazed for one round. Those who succeed on their saving
and everywhere between.
throw gain a bonus Dream Conviction point for one
hour. You can only gain the benefits of one dream berry
Cost: 10 + 1 per level of the prophet poppy
at a time. Dream berry trees are found throughout the
dreamlands, though they are especially common in the
Heartlands and Wyrd.
Weave Root
Weave root is an ivory colored tuberous root crowned
Cost: 14
with multi-colored leafs. The plant possesses a potent
dream weaving agent and anyone who consumes a weave
Mana Trees root may activate a single dream weave in the next hour
Mana trees produce golden fruits that resemble oranges. without expending a point of Dream Conviction (though
They have a blood red pulp and their juice has potent you must spend Dream Points to increase your effective
magical qualities. Anyone who eats a mana fruit as dreamer level). Weave root can be found throughout
a full-round action or drinks a mana draught as a Nevermore though it is most numerous in the Wyrd.
standard action gains the Second Chance feat for one Weight: 1/2 lb.
minute. The particular hazard or skill this feat relates Cost: 12
to is determined when the fruit or draught is consumed.
Mana trees are common to most domains, except the
Wise Hazels
Dreadlands where they are extremely rare.
Wise hazel trees are noted for their properties of
Weight: 1/2 lb.
divination. Their forked branches can be turned into
Cost: 14 (1 fruit or draught)
dowsing rods with the proper preparation and grant
the user the Dowser Aspect (rank 5, save Difficulty 11,
Dowser +5). In addition, anyone who eats its nuts of
The mesmerose is a tall and rainbow-hued flower, which
wisdom gains the Eidetic Memory feat. Last but not
fascinates those who look upon it. Anyone with line of
least, wise hazel trees are warded against nightmares.
sight to this flower must make a Will saving throw or
Nightmares that come within 30 feet of a wise hazel
become fascinated by the flower. The Difficulty of the
must make a Will saving throw (Difficulty 15) or be
saving throw is equal to 10 + half the mesmerose s
unable to cross the boundary so long as the tree stands,
level. A subject that succeeds on the saving throw is
nor can nightmares directly affect or influence anything
immune to the mesmerose for one cycle. Those who fail
within the bounds of the ward. A small branch taken
are fascinated for a number of rounds equal to 3 plus
from the wise hazel tree retains a 20-foot radius ward. If
the mesmerose s level. At the end of the duration the
the wise hazel tree branch is used in combat, treat it as a
victim has one round to get out of line of sight of the
one-handed improvised supernatural weapon that deals
mesmerose before he must make another Will saving
bludgeoning damage like a club. When used against
throw. Any potential threat, such as a creature sneaking
nightmares it deals an extra +2 damage special ability.
up on a fascinated target, grants a new Will save. Any
Wise hazel trees populate most of the domains, though
obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon,
they are rare in the Dreadlands.
automatically breaks the fascination. The mesmerose is
Weight: 1lb. (rod), 1 lb. (branch),  (nut)
a wild flower found in the backcountry of the Heartlands,
Cost: 34 (rod), 15 (branch), 13 (nut)
the unfettered lands of the Wyrd, and the foreboding
wastes of the Dreadlands.
Weight: 1/2 lb.
Cost: 16 + 1 per level of the mesmerose
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Ars Magica Land of Fire and Ice The Icelandic Wars
No Mans Land The Rise of Reeker
Beyerl P The Symbols And Magick of Tarot
Middle of the book TestA Units 1 7
ABC?ar Of The World

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