Essen t i a l W o odcarvin c, T e c h n i q u e s
FlC 1.4 Left- and right-hand skeiu front bent chisels, Nos 22 and 23- Sąuare-ended ones can be modified to produce tbe same shapes.
Fic; 1.6 Clockwise from top left: wing parting-tool, macaroni, backbent fluteroni, Cogelow lefi- and right-handed skew gouges and at the bot tom a V chisel toith a prong at the tip, and one with a skeiued end or reuerse rake.
FlC 1.7 Fishtails - from top: Swiss No. 3, English No. 3 and No. 5- Notę the greater splay on the English tools and the rounded end of the No. 5 which reduces the tools usefitlness.
Contrary to what somc manufaccurers tell us, rherc is no such thing as a beginncrs set. What you wanr depends cntirely on what you are going to carve and its size. Besides, sets often seem to contain at least one tool chat is never used.
My advice is to borrow tools from someones
teaching set - most carvcrs arc jealous of their own tools - and see which oncs you usc most before you buy. With experience, particularly if you have been taught how to carve traditional foliage and chip carving, you can predicc which tools you will need.
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