*a)iĘxceptasexf and exiend i witKoi h }iMii

edmthisafftanent, party-1 and pariy-2each make no repKseniatkms ig ar coaamdto.ot any land. ekher oproś ar impHed, induding, ‘•taranties of rnerchamabUity orfitness for a parńadar puipose.

■ /’: Ifanypro\isior. wprawi ons afthis Agreement shall te heid to be imalid. illegai unenforceable ' ormconflia wu> he taw of anyjurisdktion, the wliduy. legałby and enforceabilay of the ■^0- remaining pro u :ts shall not i any nw?be affected or impaired thereby.

c ) Neither party shall be MmNe b: rnages or have the njgfa to terminale thu Agreemenl for any delayartkfr.u!:    rfomtingk munderifsuch dday ordefauliis caused by condiaonsbeyond

contro! mcluding ha not bmiied toActs of God. Govemment restrkńons (induding the

Ok) ;    Stroiu^.unnouai^nct

ani    ucmwny^ ^umjranai Li sycŁph    ---

aru dLowoMpiwfaiM^ < .jm Uyw. dułti^c.iyA^K---.—i—.—

«^vOovcxvvc.ji żela.-* nos ci taatttlłowejJuto pnlyUłtwccui-----

Oo; o k-rei lanego cei-tę. t O Cle jrvce ttMvucua*o-----——:—

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j^iiness_± po i^cWi-trioiic. |——j—I—|_j_L_j 1 1—

„ItndiM' wt ^fdyętiia.tCoosr    ^Maauu^k «*>

hImiŁjtła itittatoO. łiojyoyjc co-t osiej yo«>\uiiwi'f«ita.------

ityo^amC £ lałt^pu^t »<as\^vtu.c« dotvjc»v

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3ufers^a? nui^powMu!

duox^ovc-ujnow^ amenok - imitmc ...


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papłorii onó. prmiaaGUcp«(ww^a.taWWlK<

rem&etync^ op>vorv<^vo pool(mx£uaA£ paw»c^:Ce.y, w frawt ilej, olowutj t^uiania. araa pwc. * j C jecłen frok po iitj S va^cvi(u ęc-iw tojMCaianiu. k..    ....


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