40196 Kenwood378

40196 Kenwood378

External disc controI features_

■ When a unit equipped with an 0-N switch is to be connected, please also see the instruction manuał of this unit.

Set the 0-N switch to *N". "N‘-operation will be set


•    The disc title and track title of the CD text can be dispiayed

•    The disc name will be dispiayed when the name has been registered to any connected unit with the Presetting Disc Names funcuon. or when the playmg unit contams a disc to which the disc title has been recorded


•    CD text cannot be dispiayed

•    Regardless of the control unit. the charactors that can be

registered with the Presetting Disc Names function are ‘A-Z 0-9 /. +.    *. *. <.>,!. ]*

•    The disc name will be dispiayed when the name has been rogistered to the playing unit with the Presetting Disc Names function

| NOTĘ |

The CD text. Presetting Disc Names. and Disc Name Preset Play functions may not be operational dependmg on the unit

Playing Disc modę

This funciton permits the connection of optional players and the playing of discs.

Playing Discs:

Press the SRC button repeatedly to select the external disc

control modo

The disc will start playmg


The external disc control modę will differ dependmg on the unit that is connected.

Modę Display Examples

•    'CD' . . when a CD player is connected

•    ’DISC’ when a disc changer is connected

•    'DISC-1 ’ . 'DlSC-2* when two disc changers are connected Pausing and Restarting Disc Play:

Press the ►» button to make the disc pause Press the same button agam to start play agam

1 NOTĘ 1

•    When one disc has łinished playmg ns last track. the next disc in the changer starts playmg When the last disc in the changer has łimshed. the player returns to the first disc and siarts playmg it

•    Disc # 10 is dispiayed as *0*

Fast Forwarding and Reyersing Disc Play

Fast Forwarding Disc Play:

Hołd down on the    button.

Reiease your finger to play the disc at that point Reversing Disc Play

Hołd down on the    button

Reiease your łmger to play the disc at the point 1 notc1

You cannot use reverse play between trocks dependmg on the model bemg connected instead. the reverse play function is cancelled when it reaches the begmnmg of a track. at which point normal play automatically resumes

Track Search

Search forwards or backwards through tho tracks on the disc until you reach the one that you want to listen to.

Making a Revorse Track Search:

Press the h*-* button to display tho dosifed track nurnber Press once to search back to the bogmnmg of the curront track.


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