SHSpec 023 6106C29 Wrong Target Sec Check

6106C29 SHSpec-23 Wrong Target -- Sec Check

Herbie Parkhouse telexes from London: Auditors aren't getting sec checks
done because it takes two to three hours to get ruds in. He wants to scrap
model session for processing checks. This is an unusual solution. People are now in the same position about auditing that Ron was in when he started researching life. There's been so much alter-is and counter-create, the truth is obscured. Naturally in relaying comm about the simplicities of life, these things get restimulated and people start looking around corners, when the cop is right on the sidewalk. There is no secret about life; it is just surrounded by alter-is and obfuscations.

People aren't doing their jobs because they are so busy doing other
things. For instance, government is so busy doing the work or charitable
organizations that it has no time to administer justice, protect citizens from
criminals, etc. In a good government, production rises, people prosper; a
welfare state government attacks producers with taxes. It's all off post.
Everything is trying to make you wear its hat. So in scientology, the person
who is on the ground observes. Parkhouse, by not observing, caused Ron to
interiorize into his hat.

The analytical mind isn't really a computing machine; it is the PC. When
he, or the analytical mind, is attacked by the auditor, you'll get no auditing
done. Your target in the reactive mind. This is why LRH can do in 5 hours
what it took other auditors 25 hours to do. The difference isn't that LRH is
good and others are lousy; it is that the other auditors' reactive minds were
apparently choosing the PC as their randomity, attacking the PC because he was
aberrated. No. The target is the reactive mind.

You sit down; you take the E-meter; you say, "Have you ever stolen
anything?" What you really want is for him to recall, ventilate, air the
reactive mind. You shouldn't assume he already knows and purposely won't tell
you. When you do a sec check, because of the specific question he remembers
it and will ordinarily tell you. If you get heavy reads and he say's,"No,"
have him keep looking; let him know there's something there, but maintain
ARC. The proper attitude is, "You couldn't possibly remember this and not
tell me. Let's just get the show on the road." When they look hunted, use a
light touch to get them to tell you. If you're suspicious and accusative,
you're cutting comm with the PC and encouraging him to withhold. Assume that
if he remembers it, he'll tell it at once. It puts him in session that way.
The meter check is "just to make sure we got all of it." It's up to the
auditor to create an atmosphere of communication. You can use some dunnage to
do it. This approach gets the PC comfortable, relaxed, confident. His
knowingness comes up; he gets relief. After all, you are the auditor, not the
E-meter. The guy gets to where he feels safe. His anxieties come from
feeling unsafe in life, so your attitude alone can produce a great change in
the PC. If you're using the meter and he says, "No," you don't assume he
knows and won't tell you, but that he hasn't overwhumped the reactive mind.
You're disappointed, but you assume he can remember. This builds his
confidence and gets him in a hopeful frame of mind. doing it this way speeds
it up enormously; gives faster gains. It's not that he's getting more
confident in you. It's that he's getting more confident in his ability to
overwhump his bank. You get far more off the case, faster, by this method.
You'll slow it down by making sure he won't want to tell you and has to be
trapped and beaten into telling you. Don't ever assume a games condition in
auditing. This will also keep the rudiments in, since ruds go out with rough
auditing. Set yourself up as someone who can be confided in, rather than as a
cop sniffing out the crime.

Never assume a games condition (in auditing or not) if you don't want


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