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•wen a higher degree the areas o# the right bank of the Ve&*a Rwer. ttshoutd be menboned. however. thal dur-•ng the Phase 9. single grave sets ot smal necropoBs of the Przeworsk cufcure were begmng to appear thete (Memów.Felczyska.Gniazdowice. Strzelce—Konpisty 1965. coiogne «nf of M. Rudnicki: Wożniak 1970:3190; Okoński. Potocka 2001)). and sSghOy tatar (at the and of Phase Hf) groowd cemeteries (Szarbća — NagHc 2002 and feather unpubfished rnatariate of R NagHc) — phe-nomena unknown befbre on areas near Kraków, itiscfif-ficutt to eupłain the causes for those (Mierences at the moment They seem to point not onły to a dfferent dy-namics of dewetopment but atso drfferences m the eth-twc oomposition of Ihe pnpitatinns mhabibng particutar areas of die Tyniec greup etach, at iaast from me begkv rang of Phase U. was certainiy heterogenous in ts naturę (Woźniak 1961: 262). At the same kme. howoaor. me whoie of woalem Małopolska wtowi the reach of me Tyniec gropp had a number ot featurea in common during me last ihree certturies. Thal spedfic feature underimed by me presence of La Tana forms and 'southem pat-tems’ in yarious spheres of He. ■ noticeatte parncularly agamst me bacfcgrawd of me situaćon on the areas of the Romerarian and talar Przeworsk cuttures sunound-ng i from ma norm.

Rataiad to moae tssues is the problem of tarminolo-gy and the core of the phenomenon of the in całłed Tyniec group- The author uses this term to deacribe al sets wrfiere the presence of CeiSc forms is found regard-tess of wheSier they occuned in a *pure La Tene’ corv lex* (matenats of Phase I) or were accompanied by forms foreign to the La Tene cutture (in Phases II and III). This is due lo the fact that despite considerabfe changes marefostng themsefces particufady in the naturę of n-rensones of mowable arfefacts krom three very distinct chronofogcal phases. also olements of continua&on arę dearty noticeabie. They occur not orty in the materia! cutture but also, amongstotherthings, inthepermanence of basie founda&onsof me sedlement network. the forma of bukfngs ki me soHtments and some phenomena of me spkitoal cutture possUe lo interpret on the basis of archnootagcal aources. The ndcsM thal even though an inflow (and maybe an outfiow aa we*) of certan groups kom bom non-Cetkc areas (Przeworsk, Jastorf) as wek as new Cetbc setttere from the south shoułd be taken ido coneiderakon. me core of the popdabon most cer-tainfy compnang sfso successors lo Cetts who had am-wed mare aa earty as ma bagmngs of me 3* cenlury BC. remaned on their (oca&ons odtnrabng me modela in-henfed kom thek anoestors and passing them on to new settiers This was (awoured by the martenance of Wety contacts w*h Cettc areas n other paru of Europę.

However, Ihe inflow of new groups kom non-CeMc areas exerted an influence on me materiał euflure picture and that is why ma inventories of artefacts of the two youngar phases are so differem kom their contemporeneoua in-yentones of the La Tknę cutture of central Cetbc areas On a closer took. drfferences can also be identiTied wtmki me Tyniec group itsełf.

Such heterogeneous oomposition of the population open to newoomers and influences from areas with dif-ferent cuttures is a feature of areas tarmed as ao-cafled contact zones. Therefore. western Małopolska in the period of kme under consideration here shoukf perhapa be regarded as one of such 'contact zonę*’ resembkng. to some extent the so-caHed Konfaktzone then existir>g in central Germany (Peschei 1978. 1988: Werner 1981; MOfler 1996). Of course. these comparisons may not be Hera! due for instance to the different cuttural erwiron-ment and the incomparabły smaller scalę of the phenomena obsenred in Małopolska and on the German Central Ptateau. The Małopolska model of contacts and co«d*tence of olements of diflerent cuttures orignabng kom bom the Cetbc South and the northem zonę of Central Europę must have had its own spedfidty. However, its ful Identification is not possible on the basis of an analyss of sources from one settfement micreregion of the Tyniec greup.

Paufina Poleska Muzeum Archeologiczne w Krakowie Oddział w Nowej Hucie os. Zielone 7 31-968 Kraków e-maii: poiesica@maLkratow.pl


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